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Monday, September 11, 2023 – 12:00PM to 1:00PM
Shakira R. Hobbs, PhD
The increased global usage of pesticides, particularly glyphosate, have led to a staggering amount of potentially carcinogenic substances in watersheds and drinking water sources that have disproportional impacts on intentionally marginalized communities. Analytic methods for detecting glyphosate at concentrations that are potentially hazardous are sparse. Due to climate change and unpredictable storm events, understanding the transport patterns and risk exposures to glyphosate in hydrological and geological pathways are a challenging task. Additionally, climate change disproportionately affects underserved people and has detrimental effects on their health due to exposure and vulnerabilities. With minimum access and/or adoption to sustainable technologies, underserved communities are at the forefront of the global climate change crisis. This talk discusses a straightforward method for quantifying glyphosate-based herbicides via 9-fluorenylmethylcholoroformate (FMOC-Cl) pre-column derivatization and analysis by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Furthermore, this talk will discuss developed models to quantify the exposure risks to glyphosate. Lastly, this seminar will explore how Hobbs' research groups incorporates fundamental and applications for adaptive management techniques for co-creating with historically and intentionally marginalized communities.
Dr. Hobbs develops waste management techniques for anthropogenic waste, models glyphosate transport in water systems, converts waste to energy and investigates early adoption of sustainable technologies. She is dedicated to advancing environmental engineering and environmental sustainability across traditional bounds, especially within disenfranchised groups across the world. She has been the Principal Investigator or co-PI on 18 award-winning projects, totaling over $1.8M in research. Hobbs is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental