J. Jeffrey Peirce
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Associate Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Themes
Environmental Health Engineering
Research Interests
Environmental engineering, cyberinfrastructure networks, sensors, geotropospheric interactions, engineering systems optimization.
Jeffrey Peirce received a bachelor of engineering science degree in engineering mechanics from the Johns Hopkins University in 1971, and a Ph.D. in civil and environmental engineering from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1977. Prior to joining the Duke faculty in 1979, Professor Peirce was a Senior Engineer in the Environmental and Energy Division of Booz, Allen and Hamilton in Washington, D.C.rn
Professor Peirce's current research activities build on his interests in mechanics and include the study of physical, chemical, and microbiological aspects of particle-fluid interactions in treatment reactors, waste-amended and chemically-applied soils, and clay barriers to waste migration. Laboratory and modeling studies of gases, non-water liquids passing through selected porous media are leading to novel solutions to hazardous waste processing and storage problems. Current emphasis is on the study of trace gas production and transport in soil with a focus on nitric oxide (NO), a precursor to ozone formation and trace gases from fungicides and herbicides as precursors to endocrine disruptors in the lower levels of the troposphere.
In 1984, Professor Peirce was among the first recipients of the Presidential Young Investigator Award, presented by the National Science Foundation. This award and other financial support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Education, the State of North Carolina, and industrial sponsors have enabled him to pursue his research interests.
Professor Peirce has coauthored two successful textbooks: Environmental Engineering and Environmental Pollution and Control. Both texts are used in classrooms nationwide and have been translated into several languages for adoption in other countries.
- B.S. Johns Hopkins University, 1971
- M.S. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1973
- Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1977
- Associate Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Pollak AW, Peirce JJ, Alvarez-Vu00e1zquez LJ, Vu00e1zquez-Mu00e9ndez ME. Methodology for Identifying Optimal Locations of Water Quality Sensors in River Systems. Environmental Modeling and Assessment. 2013 Jan 1;18(1):95u2013103.
- Anderson TS, Michael EK, Peirce JJ. Innovative Approaches for Managing Public-Private Academic Partnerships in Big Science and Engineering. Public Organization Review. 2012 Mar 1;12(1):1u201322.
- Wander M, Peirce JJ. Formulation, structure, and analysis of a model to optimize staffing levels at border checkpoints. Journal of Transportation Engineering. 2011 Dec 16;137(11):789u201395.
- Rawot LA, Peirce JJ, Kanoy B. Preparing for the WATERS network: Engaging middle-school science students in environmental engineering. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 2011 Jul 1;137(3):135u201340.
- Fukushima A, Peirce JJ. A hybrid performance measurement framework for optimal decisions. Measuring Business Excellence. 2011 May 1;15(2):32u201343.
- Vallero DA, Peirce J, Cho KD. Modeling toxic compounds from nitric oxide emission measurements. Atmospheric Environment. 2009 Jan 1;43(2):253u201361.
- Cho KD, Peirce JJ. Nitric oxide emission and soil microbial activities in toluene contaminated soil. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2007;133(2):237u201344.
- Cho KD, Peirce JJ. Nitric oxide emissions as a surrogate indicator of toluene contaminated soil. Environmental Engineering Science. 2006 Apr 27;23(2):372u201382.
- Cho KD, Peirce JJ. Nitric oxide emissions from the soil to lower levels of the troposphere. Environmental Engineering Science. 2005 Jan 1;22(1):46u201357.
- Peirce JJ. Introduction to the geotroposphere. Environmental Engineering Science. 2005 Jan 1;22(1):1u20138.
- Karvazy K, Peirce J. Chemical and Biological Sources of Nitrogen Oxide in Swine Waste Amended Soils. World Water and Environmental Resources Congress. 2003 Dec 1;3175u201385.
- Vallero D. Engineering The Risks of Hazardous Wastes. Butterworth-Heinemann; 2003.
- Roelle PA, Aneja VP, Mathur R, Vukovich J, Peirce J. Modeling nitric oxide emissions from biosolid amended soils. Atmospheric Environment. 2002 Dec 1;36(36u201337):5687u201396.
- Tabachow RM, Roelle PA, Peirce JJ, Aneja VP. Soil Nitric Oxide Emissions: Lab and Field Measurements and Comparison. Environmental Engineering Science. 2002 Jan 1;19(4):205u201314.
- Tabachow RM, Stock C, Peirce JJ. Options for centralized management of swine waste. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2002;128(5):476u20138.
- Vallero Daniel A, Peirce Jeffrey J. Transformation and transport of vinclozolin from soil to air. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2002;128(3):261u20138.
- Rammon DA, Peirce JJ. Consumption of biogenic nitric oxide in hydrated soil. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essexu202f: 1987). 2002 Jan;117(2):347u201355.
- Tabachow RM, Peirce JJ, Essiger C. Hurricane-loaded soil: effects on nitric oxide emissions from soil. Journal of environmental quality. 2001 Nov;30(6):1904u201310.
- Jousset S, Tabachow RM, Peirce JJ. Soil nitric oxide emissions from nitrification and denitrification. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2001;127(4):322u20138.
- Tabachow RM, Peirce JJ, Richter DD. Biogeochemical models relating soil nitrogen losses to plant-available N. Environmental Engineering Science. 2001 Jan 1;18(2):81u20139.
- Tabachow RM, Peirce JJ, Jousset S. Nitric oxide emissions from fertilized and biosolids-amendedsoil. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2001;127(6):517u201323.
- Vallero DA, Farnsworth JL, Peirce JJ. Degradation and migration of vinclozolin in sand and soil. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2001;127(10):952u20138.
- Vallero DA, Stockburger L, Famsworth JC, Peirce JJ. Analysis of the flux of an endocrine disrupting dicarboximide and its degradation products from the soil to the lower troposphere. ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry, Preprints. 2000 Mar 26;40(1):79u201381.
- Peirce JJ, Aneja VP. Nitric oxide emissions from engineered soil systems. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2000;126(3):225u201332.
- Rammon DA, Peirce JJ. Biogenic nitric oxide from wastewater land application. Atmospheric Environment. 1999 Jun 1;33(13):2115u201321.
- Sperry JM, Peirce JJ. Ion exchange and surface charge on montmorillonite clay. Water Environment Research. 1999 Jan 1;71(3):316u201322.
- Ormeci B, Sanin SL, Peirce JJ. Laboratory study of NO flux from agricultural soil: Effects of soil moisture, pH, and temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 1999 Jan 1;104(D1):1621u20139.
- Yum KJ, Jeffrey Peirce J. Continuous-flow wood chip reactor for biodegradation of 2,4-DCP. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 1998 Jan 1;124(2):184u201390.
- Yum KJ, Peirce JJ. Biodegradation kinetics of chlorophenols in immobilized-cell reactors using a white-rot fungus on wood chips. Water Environment Research. 1998 Jan 1;70(2):205u201313.
- Yum KJ, Peirce JJ. Statistical determination of steady state condition in bioremediation tests. Biotechnology Letters. 1997 Sep 12;19(8):763u20139.
- Eggleston JR, Rojstaczer SA, Peirce JJ. Identification of hydraulic conductivity structure in sand and gravel aquifers: Cape Cod data set. Water Resources Research. 1996 May 1;32(5):1209u201322.
- Sperry JM, Jeffrey Peirce J, Yu S. Evaluating coagulating systems for use as invasive barriers in the subsurface. Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials. 1996 Jan 1;13(4):499u2013513.
- Smith JK, Jeffrey Peirce J. Life cycle assessment standards: Industrial sectors and environmental performance. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 1996 Jan 1;1(2):115u20138.
- Sperry JM, Peirce JJ. A Model for Estimating the Hydraulic Conductivity of Granular Material Based on Grain Shape, Grain Size, and Porosity. Groundwater. 1995 Jan 1;33(6):892u20138.
- Heijn EC, Peirce JJ, Sperry JM. Porewater velocity influence on zinc sorption by a clay-bearing sand. Waste Management and Research. 1995;13(5):451u201365.
- EGGLESTON JR, PEIRCE JJ. Dynamic programming analysis of pore space. European Journal of Soil Science. 1995 Jan 1;46(4):581u201390.
- Cornelis Heijn E, Peirce JJ, Sperry JM. Porewater velocity influence on zinc sorption by a clay-bearing sand. Waste Management & Research. 1995 Jan 1;13(5):451u201365.
- Manila RB, Peirce JJ. Tests for flow along vertically stratified porous-media interfaces. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States). 1994 Jan 1;120(3):527u201342.
- Everett JW, Peirce JJ. Curbside recycling in the U.S.A.: Convenience and mandatory participation. Waste Management & Research. 1993 Jan 1;11(1):49u201361.
- Everett JW, Peirce JJ. Measuring the success of recycling programs. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 1992 Jan 1;6(4):355u201370.
- Everett JW, Jacobs TL, Peirce JJ. Recycling promotion strategies: Statistical and fuzzy-set comparisons. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 1991 Jan 1;117(4):154u201367.
- Peirce JJ. Understanding technology: New concepts for air classification in waste processing and resource recovery. Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference. 1991 Jan 1;325u20138.
- Everett J, Jeffrey Peirce J. Effect of feed rate and classifier height on air classification. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States). 1990 Jan 1;116(4):735u201345.
- Everett JW, Peirce JJ. The development of pulsed flow air classification theory and design for municipal solid waste processing. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 1990 Jan 1;4(3):185u2013202.
- Everett J, Peirce JJ. Effect of feed rate and classifier height on air classification. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 1990;116(4):734u201345.
- Everett JW, Peirce J. Variable injection active-pulse air classification. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States). 1989 Jan 1;115(2):395u2013408.
- Storey JME, Peirce JJ. Influence of changes in methanol concentration on clay particle interactions. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 1989 Jan 1;26(1):57u201363.
- Jackson CR, Stessel RI, Peirce JJ. Passive pulsing air-classifier theory. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States). 1988 Jan 1;114(1):106u201319.
- Peirce JJ, Witter KA. Termination criteria for clay permeability testing. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 1988 Jan 1;114(8):949u201350.
- Crowe PB, Peirce JJ. Particle density and air-classifier performance. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States). 1988 Jan 1;114(2):382u201399.
- Stessel RI, Peirce JJ. PARTICLE SEPARATION IN PULSED AIRFLOW. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 1987 Oct 1;ll3(l0).
- Stessel RI, Peirce JJ. PARTICLE SEPARATION IN PULSED AIRFLOW. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 1987;3(l0):594u20131607.
- Peirce JJ, Sallfors G, Ford K. DIFFERENTIAL FLOW PATTERNS THROUGH COMPACTED CLAYS. Geotechnical Testing Journal. 1987 Jan 1;10(4):218u201322.
- Peirce JJ, Sallfors G, Peel TA, Witter KA. Effects of selected inorganic leachates on clay permeability. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 1987 Jan 1;113(8):915u20139.
- Stessel RI, Peirce JJ. Particle separation in pulsed airflow. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 1987 Jan 1;113(10):1594u2013607.
- Peirce JJ, Sallfors G, Peterson E. PARAMETER SENSITIVITY OF HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TESTING PROCEDURE. Geotechnical Testing Journal. 1987 Jan 1;10(4):223u20138.
- Stessel RI, Peirce JJ. PARTICLE SEPARATION IN PULSED AIRFLOW. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED. 1986 Jan 1;35:131u20137.
- Peirce JJ, Stessel RI, Wolf B. Passive-pulsing air classifiers for energy production. Journal of Energy Engineering. 1986 Jan 1;112(1):25u201336.
- Peirce JJ, Sallfors G, Murray L. Overburden pressures exerted on clay liners. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States). 1986 Jan 1;112(2):264u201379.
- Stessel RI, Peirce JJ. Comparing pulsing classifiers for waste-to-energy. Journal of Energy Engineering. 1986 Jan 1;112(1):1u201313.
- Peirce JJ, Sallfors G, Peterson E. Clay liner construction and quality control. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States). 1986 Jan 1;112(1):13u201324.
- Peirce JJ, Witter KA. Termination criteria for clay permeability testing. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 1986 Jan 1;112(9):841u201354.
- Stessel RI, Peirce JJ. Separation of solid waste with pulsed airflow. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States). 1985 Jan 1;111(6):833u201349.
- Su00e4llfors GB, Peirce J. Determination of the permeability of a clay liner. Engineering Geology. 1985 Jan 1;21(3u20134):225u20138.
- Everett J, Peirce JJ. Bound glass in shredded municipal solid waste. Journal of Energy Engineering. 1985 Jan 1;111(1):91u20134.
- Stessel RI, Peirce JJ. Demoresearch for resource and energy recovery. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 1985 Jan 1;111(1):22u201332.
- Stessel RI, Peirce JJ. Cyclones in waste-to-energy production facilities. Journal of Energy Engineering. 1984 Jan 1;110(3):191u2013203.
- Sallfors G, Peirce JJ. Reverse-flow landfill design for waste chemicals. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States). 1984 Jan 1;110(2):495u20137.
- Peirce JJ, Cahill L. State programs to control municipal sludge. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States). 1984 Jan 1;110(1):15u201326.
- Peirce JJ, Wittenberg N. Zigzag configurations and air classifier performance. Journal of Energy Engineering. 1984 Jan 1;110(1):36u201348.
- Peirce JJ, Saul CS. Control of glass in waste-to-energy production. Journal of Energy Engineering. 1984 Jan 1;110(1):22u201335.
- Taub JB, Peirce JJ. Instabilities in air classification of fuels. Journal of Energy Engineering. 1983 Jan 1;109(2):74u201387.
- Peirce JJ, Vesilind PA, McNabb M. Predicting air classifier performance. Journal of Energy Engineering. 1983 Jan 1;109(1):7u201316.
- Stessel RI, Peirce JJ. Pulsed-flow air classification for waste-to-energy. Journal of Energy Engineering. 1983 Jan 1;109(2):60u201373.
- Peirce JJ, Stessel RI, Vesilind PA. Quantifying the performance of n-way separators. Resources and Conservation. 1983 Jan 1;10(3):243u20137.
- Peirce JJ. Linear programming in hazardous waste management. Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States). 1983 Jan 1;109(6):1450.
- Peirce JJ, Pierson BA. Analysis of rail transfer for solid wastes in north carolina, U.S.A. Waste Management & Research. 1983 Jan 1;1(2):127u201338.
- Peirce JJ, Davidson GM. Linear programming in hazardous waste management. Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division. 1982 Oct 1;108(5 EE5):1014u201326.
- Vesilind PA, Peirce JJ, McNabb M. Predicting particle behavior in air classifiers. Conservation and Recycling. 1982 Jan 1;5(4):209u201313.
- Peirce JJ, Bailey S. Current municipal sludge utilization and disposal ( USA). Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE. 1982 Jan 1;108(EE5):1070u20133.
- Peirce JJ, Davidson GM. LINEAR PROGRAMMING IN HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT. American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division. 1982;108(EE5):1014u201326.
- Vesilind PA, Peirce JJ. AIR CLASSIFICATION. Argonne National Laboratory (Technical Report) ANL/CNSV-TM. 1981 Dec 1;117u201334.
- Peirce JJ, Joeres EF, David MH. FAIRNESS CONSIDERATIONS AND ALTERNATIVE POLICIES. Journal of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division, American Society of Civil Engineers. 1980;106(1):81u20137.
- Peirce JJ, Joeres EF, David MH. Fairness considerations and alternative policies ( water resources). Journal of the Water Resources and Planning Division, ASCE. 1980 Jan 1;106(WR1, Proc. Paper, 15246):81u20137.
- Peirce JJ, Joeres EF, David MH. MINIMIZING TREATMENT COSTS IN MULTIPLANT SETTINGS. Journal of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division, American Society of Civil Engineers. 1980 Jan 1;106(2):427u201338.
- Peirce JJ. STRATEGIES TO CONTROL NONPOINT SOURCE WATER POLLUTION. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 1980 Jan 1;16(2):220u20135.
- Peirce JJ, Joeres EF, David MH. APPLICATION OF FAIRNESS CONSIDERATIONS TO PHOSPHORUS CONTROL POLICIES. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 1979 Jan 1;15(3):779u201389.
- David MH, Schroeder FJ, Peirce JJ, Joeres EF, Braasch DA. STATISTICAL STUDY OF PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL IN WISCONSIN. American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division. 1976;102(2):433u201347.
- David MH, Schroeder FJ, Peirce JJ. Statistical study of phosphorus removal in Wisconsin. JENVIRONMENGNG DIVASCE. 1976 Jan 1;102(2 EE2):433u201347.
- Ragland KW, Peirce JJ. Boundary layer model for air pollutant concentrations due to highway traffic. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. 1975 Jan;25(1):48u201351.