
CEE Seminar – Impact of fillers and SCMs derived from CO2 mineralization schemes on cement-based materials

Wilkinson Building, room 021 auditorium

To meet climate goals, there is a need to lower the embodied carbon of concrete. A potential pathway is to implement carbon mineralization schemes to convert industrial wastes (e.g. construction and demolition waste) into fillers and supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). This can simultaneously upcycle waste and provide a permanent form of CO2 storage. Further, by […]

DMI/MEMS Seminar Presented by Prof Brian L. Wardle

Fitzpatrick Center Schiciano Auditorium Side B, room 1466

Abstract: Bulk nanostructured materials offer tremendous opportunity for re-inventing materials, but also pose challenges both in terms of characterization, design, processing, and scaling. This talk will present recent work developing nanoengineered hierarchical advanced (aerospace-grade) composites with enhanced mechanical properties, with a focus on imparting multifunctionality. Such hybrid advanced composites employ aligned nanofibers (in most of […]

National Engineers Week

Pratt School of Engineering

Join Duke's Pratt School of Engineering during this week-long event celebrating how engineers make a difference in our world. More at

CEE Seminar – Flexible mechanics of origami and patterned thin sheets

Wilkinson Building, room 021 auditorium

Thin plates are an elegant and versatile design platform that combine strength and efficiency. They appear in stately geodesic domes, workaday corrugated cargo containers and in countless natural settings, from leaves to cellular membranes. In each case, their mechanical response is derived not only from their composition but also from their patterning, such as corrugation […]

CEE Seminar – Generative AI for the statistical computation of fluids

Wilkinson Building, room 021 auditorium

In recent years, there has been growing interest in applying neural networks to the data-driven approximation of partial differential equations (PDEs). In this talk, we present GenCFD, a generative AI algorithm for fast, accurate, and robust statistical computation of three-dimensional turbulent fluid flows. On a set of challenging fluid flows, GenCFD provides an accurate approximation […]