Christina Alito, PhD, PE
One Water Institute Lead and Senior Professional Associate, HDR
Wilkins Aquino, Ph.D.
wilkins.aquino@duke.eduProfessor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Research Interests
Computational mechanics, finite element methods, computational inverse problems and their applications in engineering and biomedicine, scientific computing, computational acoustics and acoustics-structure interaction, coupled chemo-mechanics (e.g.,…
Ana P. Barros
barros@duke.eduEdmund T. Pratt, Jr. School Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
Physics of water cycle processes in mountainous regions with a focus on cloud formation and precipitation; remote sensing of the environment using microwave and infrared…
Rachel Grace Beaudoin
rachel.beaudoin@duke.eduAdjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
Aerosols are generated by a variety of natural and anthropogenic sources. I am interested in the processes that emit, transform and deposit particulate matter. A…
Fred Boadu, Ph.D.
boadu@duke.eduCEE Director of Master's Studies, Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
How the engineering, environmental and petrophysical properties of porous media (soils, fractured rock, biological tissues) affect measurable geophysical responses, and subsequently develop methodologies by which…
Mark Borsuk
mark.borsuk@duke.eduJames L. and Elizabeth M. Vincent Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
Mathematical models for integrating scientific information on natural, technical, and social systems; Bayesian network modeling with regular application to environmental and human health regulation and…
Research Interests
Physics and modeling of turbulence and turbulent transport; theoretical and computational fluid dynamics; applied mathematics.
Research Interests
Machine learning, predictive modeling, health data science, statistical neuroscience
Nathaniel Chaney
nathaniel.chaney@duke.eduAssistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
Hydrology, Earth system science, soil science, ecology, geomorphology, numerical modeling, high performance computing, machine learning, environmental data delivery and data assimilation.
Erin Convery, PE
Transportation Planning Manager, City of Durham
Laura Dalton, Ph.D.
laura.dalton@duke.eduAssistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
4D Imaging; Carbon sequestration in porous materials; sustainable material development; structural integrity of carbon capture and storage wells; reactive transport in porous materials
Jeseth Delgado Vela
jeseth.delgadovela@duke.eduAssistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
Biofilms in the urban water cycle, nitrogen cycling microbial communities, public health surveillance via wastewater, and microbial communication in biofilms
Research Interests
Design, analysis and application of remediation, waste-to-energy and decentralized sanitation processes, including novel reactors and processes for air, water and solid wastes treatment.
John Dolbow, Ph.D.
john.dolbow@duke.eduProfessor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Research Interests
Modeling quasi-static and dynamic fracture of structural components, the evolution of interfaces with nonlinear constitutive laws, and developing models for stimulus-responsive hydrogels
Research Interests
Environmental analytical chemistry and applications of high resolution mass spectrometry to trace organic contaminant analysisEnvironmental fate of per-and-polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in the environmentPolymer additives…
Rachel Fleming, PE
Project Manager and Associate Shareholder, MBP
Henri P Gavin
W.H. Gardner Jr. Chair of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor in the Department of CEE
Research Interests
Our group works in the broad area of dynamic systems analysis, modeling, measurement, and control with particular emphasis on the mitigation of losses induced by…
Massimo Germano
mg234@duke.eduAdjunct Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
Turbulence in fluids and its representation. Multiscale decompositions of turbulent flows. The Navier-Stokes, the Large Eddy and the Reynolds equations. Reynolds modeling and subgrid scale…
Leanne M Gilbertson, Ph.D.
leanne.gilbertson@duke.eduAssociate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
My research focuses on developing new materials to tackle environmental challenges. I study fundamental science underlying interactions of the materials my group develops with(in) environmental…
Johann Guilleminot, Ph.D.
johann.guilleminot@duke.eduPaul Ruffin Scarborough Associate Professor of Engineering
Research Interests
Computational mechanics, mechanics of heterogeneous materials, molecular dynamics simulations and atomistic-to-continuum coupling, stochastic solvers, statistical inverse problem and model validation, stochastic analysis, uncertainty quantification in…
Claudia Gunsch, Ph.D.
ckgunsch@duke.eduMuriel Theodorsen Williams E'46 Distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
Identifying genetic adaptation mechanisms resulting from anthropogenic contaminant exposure; developing biosensors capable of pathogen and contaminant detection in water and air; studying the impact of…
Rick Helmadollar, PE
Vice President and Principal Engineer, Arcadis
Research Interests
Aquatic chemistry and geochemistry, trace element environmental chemistry, nanogeoscience, mercury biogeochemistry, water-particle surface processes.