Robert J. Melosh Medal
For the best student paper on finite element analysis
Since 1989, the Robert J. Melosh Medal Competition has provided a global forum for young engineers to interact with leading researchers in computational mechanics.

Competition Details
2025 Deadlines
- June 30: Deadline for extended abstract submissions
August 13 (tentative): Finalists notified of acceptance
- October 13 (tentative): Melosh Symposium at Duke
Winners receive $500 and the Melosh Medal.
The competition occurs in two phases:
- Extended Abstracts: Submissions are reviewed by a panel of distinguished researchers in computational mechanics. The top six papers are selected as finalists
- Symposium Talks: The student authors are invited to participate in a symposium held at Duke in Durham, North Carolina USA. The symposium features talks by each of the six finalists, as well as lectures by the members of the distinguished judging panel
Submissions are invited in all areas of finite element analysis, including:
- Theoretical development
- Implementational procedure
- Programming aspects
- Novel and innovative applications
- Integration of finite elements into the design process
Additionally, submissions in related areas of computational mechanics (e.g., boundary elements, meshless methods) will also be welcomed, particularly where the technical contribution of interest may be expected to enhance our understanding of finite element procedures.
Prospective topics include, but are not limited to:
- Solid and Structural Mechanics
- Computational Fluid Mechanics
- Stochastic Problems
- Geomechanics
- Mesh Generation, Refinement and Adaptivity
- Meshfree Methods
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Scientific Visualization
- Finite Elements in CAD, CAM and CAE
- Biomechanics
- Parallel Computing and FEM
- FEM in Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering
- Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Submitted Papers Should Be:
- In extended abstract format
- 3 to 5 pages in length, including all graphics
- Detailed enough to allow a reasonable assessment of technical merit, although the page limit may prevent the presentation of extended theoretical development
- Credited to a first-named author who is a student, or a recent student no more than one year beyond graduation
- Master’s- or PhD-level work. Truly exceptional work done by undergraduate researchers is also welcomed
Electronic Submissions are Preferred
Use the Elsevier LaTeX class file elsartarticle.cls. LaTeX instructions and a link to download the class file template are available at this link from Elsevier.
Send four (4) physical copies:
- One (1) with a cover page indicating title, author and affiliation, and
- Three (3) copies with the title but no authors or affiliations indicated
To this address:
The Robert J. Melosh Medal Competition
Duke University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Box 90287
Durham, NC 27708-0287 USA -
A key feature of the competition is that it facilitates interaction between student finalists and internationally prominent researchers who serve on the judging panel.
Past Judges
Name Institution Country Remi Abgrall University of Zurich Switzerland Ted Belytschko Northwestern University USA J.S. Chen University of California, Los Angeles USA Ray W. Clough University of California, Berkeley USA Michael Crisfield Imperial College London United Kingdom Charbel Farhat University of Colorado, Boulder USA Jacob Fish Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute USA Joseph E. Flaherty Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute USA Richard H. Gallagher University of Arizona USA Krishna Garikipari University of Michigan USA Omar Ghattas University of Texas, Austin USA Sanjay Govindjee University of California, Berkeley USA Antonio Huerta Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Spain Thomas J.R. Hughes University of Texas, Austin USA Greg Hulbert University of Michigan, Ann Arbor USA George Karniadakis Brown University USA Raymond D. Krieg University of Tennessee USA Patrick Le Tallec Ecole Polytechnique France Robert J. Melosh Duke University USA Joop Nagtegaal Hibbitt, Karlsson and Sorensen Inc. USA Assad Oberai University of Southern California USA J. Tinsley Oden University of Texas, Austin USA George Peric Swansea University United Kingdom Peter Pinsky Stanford University USA Ekkehard Ramm University of Stuttgart Germany Mario Ricchiuto INRIA Bordeaux France Mark Shephard Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute USA James Stewart Sandia National Laboratories USA Natarajan Sukumar University of California, Davis USA Robert L. Taylor University of California, Berkeley USA Haim Waisman Columbia University USA Wolfgang A. Wall Technische Universität München Germany Mary Wheeler University of Texas, Austin USA Edward L. Wilson University of California, Berkeley USA Peter Wriggers Leibniz University Hannover Germany O.C. Zienkiewicz Swansea University United Kingdom Tarek Zohdi University of California, Berkeley USA

Johann Guilleminot, Ph.D.
Paul Ruffin Scarborough Associate Professor of Engineering

Hossein (Amir) Salahshoor
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Guglielmo Scovazzi, Ph.D.
Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Robert J. Melosh

The Melosh Medal honors Robert James Melosh, the pioneering researcher, dedicated engineering educator and former chair of the Duke Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering.
Over a long career spanning industry, research and education, he significantly contributed to the finite element method.
The competition, co-sponsored by Elsevier and endorsed by the International Association of Computational Mechanics, was begun in 1989 as a tribute to professor Melosh’s body of work and as a reflection of his dedication to the education of young engineers and researchers.
Honor Roll
Year | Name | Institution |
2023 | Kumar Saurabh | Iowa State University |
2022 | Vahidullah Tac | Purdue University |
2021 | Ivo Steinbrecher | University of the Bundeswehr Munich |
2020 | Stein Stoter | Leibniz University Hannover |
2019 | Dewen Yushu | University of Notre Dame |
2018 | Andreas Krischok Vidyasagar | Stanford University California Institute of Technology |
2017 | Heng Chi Matthias Mayr | Georgia Institute of Technology Technical University of Munich |
2016 | Maruti Kumar Mudunuru | University of Houston |
2015 | Maurizio Chiaramonte | Stanford University |
2014 | Phani Motamarri | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
2013 | Ju Liu | University of Texas, Austin |
2011 | Daniel Hurtado | California Institute of Technology |
2010 | Phanish Suryanarayana | California Institute of Technology |
2009 | Robert B. Gracie | Northwestern University |
2008 | Ludovic Chamoin Irina Kalashnikova | ENS de Cachan Stanford University |
2007 | Michael Hain Vikram Gavini | Leibniz University Hannover California Institute of Technology |
2006 | Honayoun Heidari | North Carolina State University |
2005 | Mahmoud I. Hussein | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
2004 | Juan Pablo Pontaza | Texas A&M University |
2003 | Prasanna Raghavan | Ohio State University |
2002 | Ulrich Hetmaniuk | University of Colorado, Boulder |
2001 | Xiaonong Meng | Duke University |
2000 | Aleksander Czekanski | University of Toronto |
1999 | John E. Dolbow | Northwestern University |
1998 | Serge Prudhomme | University of Texas, Austin |
1997 | Jerome M. Solberg | University of California, Berkeley |
1996 | David C. Winkler | University of Connecticut |
1995 | Jinmiao Zhang | Ohio State University |
1994 | Jinmiao Zhang | Ohio State University |
1993 | Bhaskar Joshi | University of Saskatchewan |
1992 | C.R. Swaminathan | University of Minnesota |
1991 | Alonso Pena Juan B. Sainz | ITESM Monterrey ITESM Monterrey |
1990 | Ricardo F. Barbosa | University of Illinois |
1989 | H. Allison Smith R.G. Wan | Duke University University of Alberta |