Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award
Presented by the Duke student chapter of Chi Epsilon
The honor roll is inscribed on a plaque displayed in Hudson Hall.

Honor Roll
2019: David E. Schaad
2018: Mark Borsuk
2017: Zbigniew Kabala
2016: Joseph C. Nadeau
2015: Joseph C. Nadeau
2014: Joseph C. Nadeau
2013: Henri P. Gavin
2012: Joseph C. Nadeau
2011: Jeffrey Scruggs
2010: Amilcare M. Porporato
2009: Joseph C. Nadeau
2008: Joseph C. Nadeau
2007: Miguel A. Medina
2006: David E. Schaad
2005: Zbigniew J. Kabala
2004: Joseph C. Nadeau
2003: Joseph C. Nadeau
2002: Joseph C. Nadeau
2001: Chris Braiser
2000: Joseph C. Nadeau
1999: Joseph C. Nadeau
1998: P. Aarne Vesilind
1997: Tod A. Laursen
1996: Timothy L. Jacobs
1995: P. Aarne Vesilind
1994: Timothy L. Jacobs
1993: Timothy L. Jacobs
1992: J. Jeffrey Peirce
1991: Timothy L. Jacobs
1990: Timothy L. Jacobs
1989: Miguel A. Medina
1988: P. Aarne Vesilind
1987: K. Pete Arges
1986: Mrinmay Biswas
1984: K. Pete Arges
1983: Eric I. Pas
1982: P. Aarne Vesilind
1981: Robert J. Melosh
Earl I. Brown II

Earl Ivan Brown II was an experienced engineering educator and internationally recognized expert in pre-stressed concrete design and fabrication.
After serving in the Army during World War II, he began his academic career at NC State University. At Duke, he was appointed the J.A. Jones Professor and served as chair of civil engineering. He retired in 1981.