Gaby Katul, Ph.D.
NAE MemberCivil and Environmental Engineering
George Pearsall Distinguished Professor

Research Themes
Hydrology & Fluid Dynamics
- Ph.D. University of California, Davis, 1993
- George Pearsall Distinguished Professor
- Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Professor in the Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Hydrological Sciences Medal. American Meteorological Society. 2025
- Fellow of the American Meteorological Society. American Meteorological Society. 2024
- Membership (NAE). National Academy of Engineering. 2023
- Award for Outstanding Achievement in Biometeorology. American Meteorological Society. 2021
- John Dalton Medal. European Geosciences Union. 2018
- Norbert Gerbier-Mumm International Award. World Meteorological Organization. 2012
- Scientific and Technological Achievement Award. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2012
- Hydrologic Sciences Award. American Geophysical Union. 2012
- Fulbright Distinguished Chair (Torino, Italy). Council for International Exchange of Scholars. 2010
- James B. Macelwane Medalists. American Geophysical Union. 2002
- Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union. 2002
- Inspirational Teaching. The Students of the Nicholas School of the Environment. 1994
Courses Taught
- ENVIRON 593: Independent Studies and Projects
- CEE 780: Internship
- CEE 691: Independent Study: Advanced Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE 690: Advanced Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE 490: Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE 463L: Water Resources Engineering
- CEE 394: Research Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE 393: Research Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Aslan T, Katul GG, Aurela M. The Turbulent Pressure Spectrum Within the Roughness Sublayer of a Subarctic Forest Canopy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2025 Feb 28;130(4).
- Crompton O, Katul G, Thompson SE. Relating flow resistance to equivalent roughness. Advances in Water Resources. 2025 Jan 1;195.
- Crompton O, Katul G, Thompson SE. Uniting Surface Properties With Hydrodynamic Roughness in Shallow Overland Flow Models. Water Resources Research. 2025 Jan 1;61(1).
- Buono E, Katul G, Heisel M, Vettori D, Poggi D, Peruzzi C, et al. The vertical-velocity skewness in the inertial sublayer of turbulent wall flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2024 Dec 18;1001.
- Buono E, Katul G, Heisel M, Poggi D, Peruzzi C, Vettori D, et al. The vertical-velocity skewness in the atmospheric boundary layer without buoyancy and Coriolis effects. Physics of Fluids. 2024 Nov 1;36(11).
- Katul G, Bragg A, Mammarella I, Liu H, Li Q, Bou-Zeid E. Gas Transfer Across Air-Water Interfaces in Inland Waters: From Micro-Eddies to Super-Statistics. Water Resources Research. 2024 Nov 1;60(11).
- Buono E, Katul GG, Vettori D, Poggi D, Manes C. Revisiting a Drag Partition Model For Canopy-Like Roughness Elements. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2024 Nov 1;190(11).
- Banerjee T, Katul GG, Zahn E, Dias NL, Bou-Zeid E. A Single Compartment Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Method. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2024 Oct 16;129(19).
- Matthews A, Katul G, Porporato A. Multiple time scale optimization explains functional trait responses to leaf water potential. The New phytologist. 2024 Oct;244(2):426u201335.
- Allouche M, Sevostianov VI, Zahn E, Zondlo MA, Dias NL, Katul GG, et al. Estimating scalar turbulent fluxes with slow-response sensors in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2024 Aug 30;24(16):9697u2013711.
- Zhang Q, Liu X, Zhou K, Zhou Y, Gentine P, Pan M, et al. Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence sheds light on global evapotranspiration. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2024 May 1;305.
- Buono E, Katul GG, Poggi D. The advancing wave front on a sloping channel covered by a rod canopy following an instantaneous dam break. Physics of Fluids. 2024 May 1;36(5).
- Holtzman N, Sloan B, Potkay A, Katul G, Feng X, Konings AG. Ecosystem Water-Saving Timescale Varies Spatially With Typical Drydown Length. AGU Advances. 2024 Apr 1;5(2).
- Li D, Wang L, Liao W, Sun T, Katul G, Bou-Zeid E, et al. Persistent urban heat. Science advances. 2024 Apr;10(15):eadj7398.
- Barnes ML, Zhang Q, Robeson SM, Young L, Burakowski EA, Oishi AC, et al. A Century of Reforestation Reduced Anthropogenic Warming in the Eastern United States. Earthu2019s Future. 2024 Feb 1;12(2).
- Liu H, Liu C, Huang J, Desai AR, Zhang Q, Ghannam K, et al. Scalar Flux Profiles in the Unstable Atmospheric Surface Layer Under the Influence of Large Eddies: Implications for Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements and the Non-Closure Problem. Geophysical Research Letters. 2024 Jan 16;51(1).
- Nakad M, Sevanto S, Domec JC, Katul G. Linking the Water and Carbon Economies of Plants in a Drying and Warming Climate. Current Forestry Reports. 2023 Dec 1;9(6):383u2013400.
- Li S, Bragg AD, Katul G. Reduced Sediment Settling in Turbulent Flows Due To Basset History and Virtual Mass Effects. Geophysical Research Letters. 2023 Nov 28;50(22).
- Fischer M, Katul G, Noormets A, Poznu00edkovu00e1 G, Domec JC, Orsu00e1g M, et al. Merging flux-variance with surface renewal methods in the roughness sublayer and the atmospheric surface layer. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2023 Nov 15;342.
- Vico G, Tang FHM, Brunsell NA, Crews TE, Katul GG. Photosynthetic capacity, canopy size and rooting depth mediate response to heat and water stress of annual and perennial grain crops. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2023 Oct 15;341.
- Crompton O, Katul G, Lapides DA, Thompson SE. Bridging structural and functional hydrological connectivity in dryland ecosystems. Catena. 2023 Oct 1;231.
- Huang KY, Fu MK, Byers CP, Bragg AD, Katul GG. Logarithmic scaling of higher-order temperature moments in the atmospheric surface layer. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 2023 Aug 1;102.
- Nakad M, Domec JC, Sevanto S, Katul G. Sucrose transport inside the phloem: Bridging hydrodynamics and geometric characteristics. Physics of Fluids. 2023 Jun 1;35(6).
- Gu Y, Katul GG, Cassar N. Multiscale Temporal Variability of the Global Air-Sea CO
2 Flux Anomaly. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2023 Jun 1;128(6). - Crompton O, Katul G, Lapides D, Thompson S. Hydrologic Connectivity and Patch-To-Hillslope Scale Relations in Dryland Ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters. 2023 May 28;50(10).
- Katul GG. Agrivoltaics in Color: Going From Light Spectra to Biomass. Earthu2019s Future. 2023 May 1;11(5).
- Huang KY, Katul GG, Hintz TJ, Ruiz-Plancarte J, Wang Q, Fernando HJS. Fog Intermittency and Critical Behavior. Atmosphere. 2023 May 1;14(5).
- Wu Z, Walker JT, Oishi AC, Duman T, Katul G, Chen X, et al. Estimating source-sink distributions and fluxes of reactive nitrogen and sulfur within a mixed forest canopy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2023 Apr 15;333.
- Nakad M, Domec JC, Sevanto S, Katul G. Toward a Realistic Representation of Sucrose Transport in the Phloem of Plants. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2023 Mar 1;128(3).
- Heisel M, Sullivan PP, Katul GG, Chamecki M. Turbulence Organization and Mean Profile Shapes in the Stably Stratified Boundary Layer: Zones of Uniform Momentum and Air Temperature. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2023 Mar 1;186(3):533u201365.
- Correction for Marani et al., Intensity and frequency of extreme novel epidemics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2023 Mar;120(12):e2302169120.
- Mortarini L, Katul GG, Cava D, Dias-Junior CQ, Dias NL, Manzi A, et al. Adjustments to the law of the wall above an Amazon forest explained by a spectral link. Physics of Fluids. 2023 Feb 1;35(2).
- Calaf M, Vercauteren N, Katul GG, Giometto MG, Morrison TJ, Margairaz F, et al. Boundary-Layer Processes Hindering Contemporary Numerical Weather Prediction Models. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2023 Jan 1;186(1):43u201368.
- Pirk N, Aalstad K, Westermann S, Vatne A, Van Hove A, Tallaksen LM, et al. Inferring surface energy fluxes using drone data assimilation in large eddy simulations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2022 Dec 20;15(24):7293u2013314.
- Ru00e4su00e4nen M, Aurela M, Vakkari V, Beukes JP, Tuovinen JP, Van Zyl PG, et al. The effect of rainfall amount and timing on annual transpiration in a grazed savanna grassland. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2022 Nov 16;26(22):5773u201391.
- Li S, Henriquez C, Katul G. The role of geographical spreaders in infectious pattern formation and front propagation speeds. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2022 Nov 15;440.
- Feng X, Lu Y, Jiang M, Katul G, Manzoni S, Mrad A, et al. Instantaneous stomatal optimization results in suboptimal carbon gain due to legacy effects. Plant, cell & environment. 2022 Nov;45(11):3189u2013204.
- Lan C, Liu H, Katul GG, Li D, Finn D. Turbulence Structures in the Very Stable Boundary Layer Under the Influence of Wind Profile Distortion. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2022 Oct 27;127(20).
- Peltola O, Aurela M, Launiainen S, Katul G. Probing eddy size and its effective mixing length inu00a0stablyu00a0stratified roughness sublayer flows. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2022 Oct 1;148(749):3756u201373.
- Li Q, Katul G. Bridging the Urban Canopy Sublayer to Aerodynamic Parameters of the Atmospheric Surface Layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2022 Oct 1;185(1):35u201361.
- Manzoni S, Fatichi S, Feng X, Katul GG, Way D, Vico G. Consistent responses of vegetation gas exchange to elevated atmospheric CO2 emerge from heuristic and optimization models. Biogeosciences. 2022 Sep 14;19(17):4387u2013414.
- Johnson DM, Katul G, Domec J-C. Catastrophic hydraulic failure and tipping points in plants. Plant, cell & environment. 2022 Aug;45(8):2231u201366.
- Nakad M, Domec J-C, Sevanto S, Katul G. Radial-axial transport coordination enhances sugar translocation in the phloem vasculature of plants. Plant physiology. 2022 Aug;189(4):2061u201371.
- Heisel M, De Silva CM, Katul GG, Chamecki M. Self-similar geometries within the inertial subrange of scales in boundary layer turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2022 Jul 10;942.
- Corona R, Katul G, Montaldo N. The root-zone soil moisture spectrum in a mediterranean ecosystem. Journal of Hydrology. 2022 Jun 1;609.
- Launiainen S, Katul GG, Leppu00e4 K, Kolari P, Aslan T, Gru00f6nholm T, et al. Does growing atmospheric CO2 explain increasing carbon sink in a boreal coniferous forest? Global change biology. 2022 May;28(9):2910u201329.
- Waterman T, Bragg AD, Katul G, Chaney N. Examining Parameterizations of Potential Temperature Variance Across Varied Landscapes for Use in Earth System Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2022 Apr 27;127(8).
- Waterman T, Bragg AD, Katul GG, Chaney NW. Examining Parameterizations of Potential Temperature Variance Across Varied Landscapes for use in Earth System Models. Wiley. 2022.
- Allouche M, Bou-Zeid E, Ansorge C, Katul GG, Chamecki M, Acevedo O, et al. The Detection, Genesis, and Modeling of Turbulence Intermittency in the Stable Atmospheric Surface Layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2022 Apr 1;79(4):1171u201390.
- Huang KY, Katul GG. Profiles of high-order moments of longitudinal velocity explained by the random sweeping decorrelation hypothesis. Physical Review Fluids. 2022 Apr 1;7(4).
- Zahn E, Bou-Zeid E, Good SP, Katul GG, Thomas CK, Ghannam K, et al. Direct partitioning of eddy-covariance water and carbon dioxide fluxes into ground and plant components. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2022 Mar 15;315.
- Wu D, Vargas G G, Powers JS, McDowell NG, Becknell JM, Pu00e9rez-Aviles D, et al. Reduced ecosystem resilience quantifies fine-scale heterogeneity in tropical forest mortality responses to drought. Global change biology. 2022 Mar;28(6):2081u201394.
- Li S, Bragg AD, Katul G. A Co-Spectral Budget Model Links Turbulent Eddies to Suspended Sediment Concentration in Channel Flows. Water Resources Research. 2022 Mar 1;58(3).
- Huang KY, Fu MK, Byers CP, Katul GG. LOGARITHMIC SCALING OF HIGHER-ORDER TEMPERATURE MOMENTS IN THE ATMOSPHERIC SURFACE LAYER. In: 12th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP 2022. 2022.
- Waterman T, Bragg AD, Katul GG, Chaney NW. Examining Parameterizations of Potential Temperature Variance Across Varied Landscapes for use in Earth System Models. Wiley. 2021.
- Zha W, Zeng Y, Katul G, Li Q, Liu X, Chen X. Laboratory study on behavioral responses of hybrid sturgeon, Acipenseridae, to wake flows induced by cylindrical bluff bodies. The Science of the total environment. 2021 Dec;799:149403.
- Konings AG, Saatchi SS, Frankenberg C, Keller M, Leshyk V, Anderegg WRL, et al. Detecting forest response to droughts with global observations of vegetation water content. Global change biology. 2021 Dec;27(23):6005u201324.
- Everard KA, Katul GG, Lawrence GA, Christen A, Parlange MB. Sweeping Effects Modify Tayloru2019s Frozen Turbulence Hypothesis for Scalars in the Roughness Sublayer. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021 Nov 28;48(22).
- Li S, Katul G. Roughness-induced critical phenomenon analogy for turbulent friction factor explained by a co-spectral budget model. Physics of Fluids. 2021 Oct 1;33(10).
- Geng X, Gerges F, Katul GG, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Boufadel MC. Population agglomeration is a harbinger of the spatial complexity of COVID-19. Chemical engineering journal (Lausanne, Switzerlandu202f: 1996). 2021 Sep;420:127702.
- Huang KY, Katul GG, Hultmark M. Velocity and Temperature Dissimilarity in the Surface Layer Uncovered by the Telegraph Approximation. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2021 Sep 1;180(3):385u2013405.
- Zorzetto E, Peltola O, Gru00f6nholm T, Katul GG. Intermittent Surface Renewals and Methane Hotspots in Natural Peatlands. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2021 Sep 1;180(3):407u201333.
- Chamberlin CA, Katul GG, Heffernan JB. A Multiscale Approach to Timescale Analysis: Isolating Diel Signals from Solute Concentration Time Series. Environmental science & technology. 2021 Sep;55(18):12731u20138.
- Marani M, Katul GG, Pan WK, Parolari AJ. Intensity and frequency of extreme novel epidemics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021 Aug;118(35):e2105482118.
- Allouche M, Katul GG, Fuentes JD, Bou-Zeid E. Probability law of turbulent kinetic energy in the atmospheric surface layer. Physical Review Fluids. 2021 Jul 1;6(7).
- Huai WX, Li S, Katul GG, Liu MY, Yang ZH. Flow dynamics and sediment transport in vegetated rivers: A review. Journal of Hydrodynamics. 2021 Jun 1;33(3):400u201320.
- Alekseychik P, Katul G, Korpela I, Launiainen S. Eddies in motion: Visualizing boundary-layer turbulence above an open boreal peatland using UAS thermal videos. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2021 May 18;14(5):3501u201321.
- Coscarella F, Gaudio R, Katul GG, Manes C. Relation between the spectral properties of wall turbulence and the scaling of the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor. Physical Review Fluids. 2021 May 1;6(5).
- Geng X, Katul GG, Gerges F, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Boufadel MC. A kernel-modulated SIR model for Covid-19 contagious spread from county to continent. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021 May;118(21):e2023321118.
- Stiperski I, Katul GG, Calaf M. Universal Return to Isotropy of Inhomogeneous Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence. Physical review letters. 2021 May;126(19):194501.
- Hooshyar M, Katul G, Porporato A. Spectral Signature of Landscape Channelization. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021 Apr 28;48(8).
- Liu H, Gao Z, Katul GG. Non-Closure of Surface Energy Balance Linked to Asymmetric Turbulent Transport of Scalars by Large Eddies. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2021 Apr 16;126(7).
- Gu Y, Katul GG, Cassar N. Mesoscale temporal wind variability biases global air-sea gas transfer velocity of CO
2 and other slightly soluble gases. Remote Sensing. 2021 Apr 1;13(7). - Gu Y, Katul GG, Cassar N. The Intensifying Role of High Wind Speeds on Air-Sea Carbon Dioxide Exchange. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021 Mar 16;48(5).
- Qiu R, Katul GG, Wang J, Xu J, Kang S, Liu C, et al. Differential response of rice evapotranspiration to varying patterns of warming. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2021 Mar 15;298u2013299.
- Konrad W, Katul G, Roth-Nebelsick A. Leaf temperature and its dependence on atmospheric CO
2 and leaf size. Geological Journal. 2021 Feb 1;56(2):866u201385. - Parolari AJ, Sizemore J, Katul GG. Multiscale Legacy Responses of Soil Gas Concentrations to Soil Moisture and Temperature Fluctuations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2021 Feb 1;126(2).
- Liu Z, Jiao X, Zhu C, Katul GG, Ma J, Guo W. Micro-climatic and crop responses to micro-sprinkler irrigation. Agricultural Water Management. 2021 Jan 1;243.
- Nakad M, Witelski T, Domec JC, Sevanto S, Katul G. Taylor dispersion in osmotically driven laminar flows in phloem. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2021 Jan 1;913.
- Ayet A, Katul GG. Scaling Laws for the Length Scale of Energy-Containing Eddies in a Sheared and Thermally Stratified Atmospheric Surface Layer. Geophysical Research Letters. 2020 Dec 16;47(23).
- Bou-Zeid E, Anderson W, Katul GG, Mahrt L. The Persistent Challenge of Surface Heterogeneity in Boundary-Layer Meteorology: A Review. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2020 Dec 1;177(2u20133):227u201345.
- Tucker A, Levia DF, Katul GG, Nanko K, Rossi LF. A network model for stemflow solute transport. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2020 Dec 1;88:266u201382.
- Finnigan J, Ayotte K, Harman I, Katul G, Oldroyd H, Patton E, et al. Boundary-Layer Flow Over Complex Topography. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2020 Dec 1;177(2u20133):247u2013313.
- Jocher G, Fischer M, u0160igut L, Pavelka M, Sedlu00e1k P, Katul G. Assessing decoupling of above and below canopy air masses at a Norway spruce stand in complex terrain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2020 Nov 15;294.
- Porporato A, Hooshyar M, Bragg AD, Katul G. Fluctuation theorem and extended thermodynamics of turbulence. Proceedings Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 2020 Nov;476(2243):20200468.
- Ma Y, Liu H, Banerjee T, Katul GG, Yi C, Pardyjak ER. The Effects of Canopy Morphology on Flow Over a Two-Dimensional Isolated Ridge. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2020 Oct 16;125(19).
- Heisel M, Katul GG, Chamecki M, Guala M. Velocity asymmetry and turbulent transport closure in smooth- A nd rough-wall boundary layers. Physical Review Fluids. 2020 Oct 14;5(10).
- Liu X, Zeng Y, Katul G, Huai W, Bai Y. Longitudinal dispersal properties of floating seeds within open-channel flows covered by emergent vegetation. Advances in Water Resources. 2020 Oct 1;144.
- Levia DF, Creed IF, Hannah DM, Nanko K, Boyer EW, Carlyle-Moses DE, et al. Homogenization of the terrestrial water cycle. Nature Geoscience. 2020 Oct 1;13(10):656u20138.
- Li Q, Bou-Zeid E, Grimmond S, Zilitinkevich S, Katul G. Revisiting the relation between momentum and scalar roughness lengths of urban surfaces. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2020 Oct 1;146(732):3144u201364.
- Mrad A, Katul GG, Levia DF, Guswa AJ, Boyer EW, Bruen M, et al. Peak grain forecasts for the US High Plains amid withering waters. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020 Oct;117(42):26145u201350.
- Li S, Katul G. Contaminant removal efficiency of floating treatment wetlands. Environmental Research Letters. 2020 Oct 1;15(10).
- Katul G, Li S. Data from: Contaminant removal efficiency of floating treatment wetlands. 2020.
- Ayet A, Katul GG, Bragg AD, Redelsperger JL. Scalewise Return to Isotropy in Stratified Boundary Layer Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2020 Aug 27;125(16).
- Ru00e4su00e4nen M, Merbold L, Vakkari V, Aurela M, Laakso L, Beukes JP, et al. Root-zone soil moisture variability across African savannas: From pulsed rainfall to land-cover switches. Ecohydrology. 2020 Jul 1;13(5).
- Liu Y, Kumar M, Katul GG, Feng X, Konings AG. Plant hydraulics accentuates the effect of atmospheric moisture stress on transpiration. Nature Climate Change. 2020 Jul 1;10(7):691u20135.
- Chen B, Chamecki M, Katul GG. Effects of Gentle Topography on Forest-Atmosphere Gas Exchanges and Implications for Eddy-Covariance Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2020 Jun 16;125(11).
- Guswa AJ, Tetzlaff D, Selker JS, Carlyle-Moses DE, Boyer EW, Bruen M, et al. Advancing ecohydrology in the 21st century: A convergence of opportunities. Ecohydrology. 2020 Jun 1;13(4).
- Mrad A, Manzoni S, Oren R, Vico G, Lindh M, Katul G. Recovering the Metabolic, Self-Thinning, and Constant Final Yield Rules in Mono-Specific Stands. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 2020 May 27;3.
- Ghannam K, Poggi D, Bou-Zeid E, Katul GG. Inverse Cascade Evidenced by Information Entropy of Passive Scalars in Submerged Canopy Flows. Geophysical Research Letters. 2020 May 16;47(9).
- Crompton O, Katul GG, Thompson S. Resistance Formulations in Shallow Overland Flow Along a Hillslope Covered With Patchy Vegetation. Water Resources Research. 2020 May 1;56(5).
- Katul GG, Mrad A, Bonetti S, Manoli G, Parolari AJ. Global convergence of COVID-19 basic reproduction number and estimation from early-time SIR dynamics. 2020 Apr 14;
- Novick KA, Katul GG. The Duality of Reforestation Impacts on Surface and Air Temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2020 Apr 1;125(4).
- Konings A, Liu Y, Kumar M, Feng X, Katul G. Plant hydraulics accentuates the effects of atmospheric moisture stress on transpiration. 2020 Mar 23;
- Fischer M, Katul G, Noormets A, Poznu00edkovu00e1 G, Domec J-C, Orsu00e1g M, et al. Deriving the sensible heat flux from the air temperature time-series through the flux-variance and the surface renewal methods. 2020 Mar 23;
- Corona R, Montaldo N, Katul GG. Multiscale analysis of evapotranspiration and carbon assimilation for a long time series of micrometeorological observation in a typical semi-arid Mediterranean ecosystem. 2020 Mar 23;
- Simon J, Ghannam K, Katul G, Dirmeyer P, Findell K, Santanello J, et al. An investigation into the influence of high-resolution land-surface heterogeneity on atmospheric dynamics. 2020 Mar 23;
- Jocher G, Fischer M, u0160igut L, Pavelka M, Sedlu00e1k P, Katul G. Assessing decoupling of above and below canopy air masses at a Norway spruce stand in complex terrain. 2020 Mar 23;
- Manoli G, Fatichi S, Bou-Zeid E, Katul GG. Seasonal hysteresis of surface urban heat islands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020 Mar;117(13):7082u20139.
- Keylock CJ, Ghisalberti M, Katul GG, Nepf HM. A joint velocity-intermittency analysis reveals similarity in the vertical structure of atmospheric and hydrospheric canopy turbulence. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 2020 Feb 1;20(1):77u2013101.
- Qiu R, Katul GG. Maximizing leaf carbon gain in varying saline conditions: An optimization model with dynamic mesophyll conductance. The Plant journalu202f: for cell and molecular biology. 2020 Feb;101(3):543u201354.
- Ru00e4su00e4nen M, Aurela M, Vakkari V, Beukes JP, Tuovinen J-P, Van Zyl PG, et al. The effect of rainfall amount and timing on annual transpiration in grazed savanna grassland. 2020 Jan 10;
- Katul GG, Mrad A, Bonetti S, Manoli G, Parolari AJ. Global convergence of COVID-19 basic reproduction number and estimation from early-time SIR dynamics. PloS one. 2020 Jan;15(9):e0239800.
- Liu Y, Kumar M, Katul GG, Porporato A. Reduced resilience as an early warning signal of forest mortality. Nature Climate Change. 2019 Nov 1;9(11):880u20135.
- Perri S, Katul GG, Molini A. Xylem-phloem hydraulic coupling explains multiple osmoregulatory responses to salt stress. The New phytologist. 2019 Oct;224(2):644u201362.
- Li S, Katul G. Cospectral budget model describes incipient sediment motion in turbulent flows. Physical Review Fluids. 2019 Sep 24;4(9).
- Manoli G, Fatichi S, Schlu00e4pfer M, Yu K, Crowther TW, Meili N, et al. Magnitude of urban heat islands largely explained by climate and population. Nature. 2019 Sep;573(7772):55u201360.
- Mrad A, Sevanto S, Domec JC, Liu Y, Nakad M, Katul G. A Dynamic Optimality Principle for Water Use Strategies Explains Isohydric to Anisohydric Plant Responses to Drought. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 2019 Aug 28;2.
- Li S, Katul G, Huai W. Mean Velocity and Shear Stress Distribution in Floating Treatment Wetlands: An Analytical Study. Water Resources Research. 2019 Aug 1;55(8):6436u201349.
- Chen B, Chamecki M, Katul GG. Effects of topography on in-canopy transport of gases emitted within dense forests. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2019 Jul 1;145(722):2101u201314.
- Cava D, Mortarini L, Giostra U, Acevedo O, Katul G. Submeso Motions and Intermittent Turbulence Across a Nocturnal Low-Level Jet: A Self-Organized Criticality Analogy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2019 Jul 1;172(1):17u201343.
- Lan C, Liu H, Katul GG, Li D, Finn D. Large Eddies Regulate Turbulent Flux Gradients in Coupled Stable Boundary Layers. Geophysical Research Letters. 2019 Jun 16;46(11):6090u2013100.
- Huai WX, Zhang J, Wang WJ, Katul GG. Turbulence structure in open channel flow with partially covered artificial emergent vegetation. Journal of Hydrology. 2019 Jun 1;573:180u201393.
- Lin MY, Huang CW, Katul G, Chu CR, Khlystov A. The simultaneous effects of image force and diffusion on ultrafine particle deposition onto vegetation: A wind tunnel study. Aerosol Science and Technology. 2019 Apr 3;53(4):371u201380.
- Huai WX, Zhang J, Katul GG, Cheng YG, Tang X, Wang WJ. The structure of turbulent flow through submerged flexible vegetation. Journal of Hydrodynamics. 2019 Apr 1;31(2):274u201392.
- Mrad A, Sevanto S, Domec J-C, Liu Y, Nakad M, Katul G. A Dynamic Optimality Principle for Water Use Strategies Explains Isohydric to Anisohydric Plant Responses to Drought. 2019 Mar 28;
- Katul G, Li D, Manes C. A primer on turbulence in hydrology and hydraulics: The power of dimensional analysis. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water. 2019 Mar 1;6(2).
- Konrad W, Katul G, Roth-Nebelsick A, Jensen KH. Xylem functioning, dysfunction and repair: a physical perspective and implications for phloem transport. Tree physiology. 2019 Feb;39(2):243u201361.
- Melis M, Poggi D, Fasanella GOD, Cordero S, Katul GG. Resistance to Flow on a Sloping Channel Covered by Dense Vegetation following a Dam Break. Water Resources Research. 2019 Feb 1;55(2):1040u201358.
- Katul GG. The anatomy of large-scale motion in atmospheric boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2019 Jan 10;858:1u20134.
- Kru00f6niger K, Katul GG, de Roo F, Brugger P, Mauder M. Aerodynamic resistance parameterization for heterogeneous surfaces using a covariance function approach in spectral space. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2019 Jan 1;76(10):3191.
- Katul G, Poggi D, Melis M, Fasanella GOD, Cordero S. Data from: Resistance to flow on a sloping channel covered by dense vegetation following a dam-break. 2018.
- Zha Q, Yan C, Junninen H, Riva M, Sarnela N, Aalto J, et al. Vertical characterization of highly oxygenated molecules (HOMs) below and above a boreal forest canopy. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2018 Dec 10;18(23):17437u201350.
- Bou-Zeid E, Gao X, Ansorge C, Katul GG. On the role of return to isotropy in wall-bounded turbulent flows with buoyancy. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2018 Dec 10;856:61u201378.
- Wang WJ, Peng WQ, Huai WX, Katul G, Liu XB, Dong F, et al. Derivation of canopy resistance in turbulent flow from first-order closure models. Water (Switzerland). 2018 Dec 4;10(12).
- Mrad A, Domec J-C, Huang C-W, Lens F, Katul G. A network model links wood anatomy to xylem tissue hydraulic behaviour and vulnerability to cavitation. Plant, cell & environment. 2018 Dec;41(12):2718u201330.
- Katul G, Peltola O, Gru00f6nholm T, Launiainen S, Mammarella I, Vesala T. Ejective and Sweeping Motions Above a Peatland and Their Role in Relaxed-Eddy-Accumulation Measurements and Turbulent Transport Modelling. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2018 Nov 1;169(2):163u201384.
- Ru00e4su00e4nen M, Chung M, Katurji M, Pellikka P, Rinne J, Katul GG. Similarity in Fog and Rainfall Intermittency. Geophysical Research Letters. 2018 Oct 16;45(19):10u2013699.
- Perez-Priego O, Katul G, Reichstein M, El-Madany TS, Ahrens B, Carrara A, et al. Partitioning Eddy Covariance Water Flux Components Using Physiological and Micrometeorological Approaches. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2018 Oct 1;123(10):3353u201370.
- Huang CW, Domec JC, Palmroth S, Pockman WT, Litvak ME, Katul GG. Transport in a coordinated soil-root-xylem-phloem leaf system. Advances in Water Resources. 2018 Sep 1;119:1u201316.
- Lin X, Chamecki M, Katul G, Yu X. Effects of leaf area index and density on ultrafine particle deposition onto forest canopies: A LES study. Atmospheric Environment. 2018 Sep 1;189:153u201363.
- Katul G, Mammarella I, Gru00f6nholm T, Vesala T. A Structure Function Model Recovers the Many Formulations for Air-Water Gas Transfer Velocity. Water Resources Research. 2018 Sep 1;54(9):5905u201320.
- Treep J, de Jager M, Kuiper LS, Duman T, Katul GG, Soons MB. Costs and benefits of non-random seed release for long-distance dispersal in wind-dispersed plant species. Oikos. 2018 Sep 1;127(9):1330u201343.
- Habib RR, Nuwayhid RY, Hamdan Z, Alameddine I, Katul G. Indoor and Outdoor Radon Concentration Levels in Lebanon. Health physics. 2018 Sep;115(3):344u201353.
- Wang WJ, Huai WX, Thompson S, Peng WQ, Katul GG. Drag coefficient estimation using flume experiments in shallow non-uniform water flow within emergent vegetation during rainfall. Ecological Indicators. 2018 Sep 1;92:367u201378.
- Zorzetto E, Bragg AD, Katul G. Extremes, intermittency, and time directionality of atmospheric turbulence at the crossover from production to inertial scales. Physical Review Fluids. 2018 Sep 1;3(9).
- Lan C, Liu H, Li D, Katul GG, Finn D. Distinct Turbulence Structures in Stably Stratified Boundary Layers With Weak and Strong Surface Shear. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2018 Aug 16;123(15):7839u201354.
- Chamecki M, Katul G. Bridging Land-Surface Fluxes and Aerosol Concentrations to Triggering Convective Rainfall. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI); 2018 Jul.
- Wei D, Fuentes JD, Gerken T, Chamecki M, Trowbridge AM, Stoy PC, et al. Environmental and biological controls on seasonal patterns of isoprene above a rain forest in central Amazonia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2018 Jun;256-:391u2013406.
- Liu H, Katul GG. Biometeorology u2013 From agricultural origins to a last frontier in physics. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2018 May 28;255:1u20132.
- Brugger P, Katul GG, De Roo F, Kru00f6Niger K, Rotenberg E, Rohatyn S, et al. Scalewise invariant analysis of the anisotropic Reynolds stress tensor for atmospheric surface layer and canopy sublayer turbulent flows. Physical Review Fluids. 2018 May 1;3(5).
- Gao Z, Liu H, Li D, Katul GG, Blanken PD. Enhanced Temperature-Humidity Similarity Caused by Entrainment Processes With Increased Wind Shear. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2018 Apr 27;123(8):4110u201321.
- Ghannam K, Katul GG, Bou-Zeid E, Gerken T, Chamecki M. Scaling and similarity of the anisotropic coherent eddies in near-surface atmospheric turbulence. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2018 Mar 1;75(3):943u201364.
- Li D, Katul GG, Liu H. Intrinsic Constraints on Asymmetric Turbulent Transport of Scalars Within the Constant Flux Layer of the Lower Atmosphere. Geophysical Research Letters. 2018 Feb 28;45(4):2022u201330.
- Terborgh JW, Davenport LC, Belcon AU, Katul G, Swenson JJ, Fritz SC, et al. Twenty-three-year timeline of ecological stable states and regime shifts in upper Amazon oxbow lakes. Hydrobiologia. 2018 Feb 1;807(1):99u2013111.
- Giometto MG, Katul GG, Fang J, Parlange MB. Direct numerical simulation of turbulent slope Flows up to Grashof number Gr D2:11011. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2017 Oct 25;829:589u2013620.
- Manoli G, Huang CW, Bonetti S, Domec JC, Marani M, Katul G. Competition for light and water in a coupled soil-plant system. Advances in Water Resources. 2017 Oct 1;108:216u201330.
- Parolari AJ, Mobley ML, Bacon AR, Katul GG, Richter DDB, Porporato A. Boom and bust carbon-nitrogen dynamics during reforestation. Ecological Modelling. 2017 Sep 24;360:108u201319.
- Liu Y, Parolari AJ, Kumar M, Huang C-W, Katul GG, Porporato A. Increasing atmospheric humidity and CO2 concentration alleviate forest mortality risk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017 Sep;114(37):9918u201323.
- McColl KA, van Heerwaarden CC, Katul GG, Gentine P, Entekhabi D. Role of large eddies in the breakdown of the Reynolds analogy in an idealized mildly unstable atmospheric surface layer. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2017 Jul 1;143(706):2182u201397.
- Li D, Katul GG. On the linkage between the k-5/3 spectral and k-7/3 cospectral scaling in high-Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers. Physics of Fluids. 2017 Jun 1;29(6).
- Konrad W, Katul G, Roth-Nebelsick A, Grein M. A reduced order model to analytically infer atmospheric CO
2 concentration from stomatal and climate data. Advances in Water Resources. 2017 Jun 1;104:145u201357. - Katul G, Liu H. A Kolmogorov-Brutsaert structure function model for evaporation into a turbulent atmosphere. Water Resources Research. 2017 May 1;53(5):3635u201344.
- Gao Z, Liu H, Katul GG, Foken T. Non-closure of the surface energy balance explained by phase difference between vertical velocity and scalars of large atmospheric eddies. Environmental Research Letters. 2017 Mar 16;12(3).
- Katul G, Liu H. Multiple mechanisms generate a universal scaling with dissipation for the air-water gas transfer velocity. Geophysical Research Letters. 2017 Feb 28;44(4):1892u20138.
- Bonetti S, Manoli G, Manes C, Porporato A, Katul GG. Manning's formula and Strickler's scaling explained by a co-spectral budget model. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2017 Feb 10;812:1189u2013212.
- Huang C-W, Domec J-C, Ward EJ, Duman T, Manoli G, Parolari AJ, et al. The effect of plant water storage on water fluxes within the coupled soil-plant system. The New phytologist. 2017 Feb;213(3):1093u2013106.
- Ghannam K, Duman T, Salesky ST, Chamecki M, Katul G. The non-local character of turbulence asymmetry in the convective atmospheric boundary layer. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2017 Jan 1;143(702):494u2013507.
- Paschalis A, Danielle Way, Gabriel G. Katul, Sari Palmroth, Simone Fatichi. On the variability of the ecosystem response to elevated atmospheric CO2 across spatial and temporal scales at the Duke Forest FACE experiment. Agricultural and forest meteorology. 2017 Jan;232:367u201383.
- Freire LS, Gerken T, Ruiz-Plancarte J, Wei D, Fuentes JD, Katul GG, et al. Turbulent mixing and removal of ozone within an Amazon rainforest canopy. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2017 Jan 1;122(5):2791u2013811.
- Manoli G, Katul GG, Marani M. Delay-induced rebounds in CO
2 emissions and critical time-scales to meet global warming targets. Earthu2019s Future. 2016 Dec 1;4(12):636u201343. - Fuentes JD, Chamecki M, Dos Santos RMN, Von Randow C, Stoy PC, Katul G, et al. Linking meteorology, turbulence, and air chemistry in the amazon rain forest. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2016 Dec 1;97(12):2329u201342.
- Launiainen S, Katul GG, Kolari P, Lindroth A, Lohila A, Aurela M, et al. Do the energy fluxes and surface conductance of boreal coniferous forests in Europe scale with leaf area? Global change biology. 2016 Dec;22(12):4096u2013113.
- Daly E, Katul G, Porporato A. Ecohydrology: Modeling water, carbon, and nutrient cycling within the soil-plant atmosphere continuum. In: The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering: Third Edition. 2016. p. 721u201345.
- Parolari AJ, Li D, Bou-Zeid E, Katul GG, Assouline S. Climate, not conflict, explains extreme Middle East dust storm. Environmental Research Letters. 2016 Nov 8;11(11).
- Katul GG, Banerjee T, Cava D, Germano M, Porporato A. Generalized logarithmic scaling for high-order moments of the longitudinal velocity component explained by the random sweeping decorrelation hypothesis. Physics of Fluids. 2016 Sep 1;28(9).
- Katul GG, Li D, Liu H, Assouline S. Deviations from unity of the ratio of the turbulent Schmidt to Prandtl numbers in stratified atmospheric flows over water surfaces. Physical Review Fluids. 2016 Jul 20;1(3).
- Ghannam K, Duman T, Katul G, Chamecki M. GRADIENT-DIFFUSION CLOSURE AND THE EJECTION-SWEEP CYCLE IN CONVECTIVE BOUNDARY LAYERS. Ciu00eancia e Natura. 2016 Jul 20;38:552u2013552.
- Manoli G, Domec J-C, Novick K, Oishi AC, Noormets A, Marani M, et al. Soil-plant-atmosphere conditions regulating convective cloud formation above southeastern US pine plantations. Global change biology. 2016 Jun;22(6):2238u201354.
- Liu H, Zhang Q, Katul GG, Cole JJ, Chapin FS, MacIntyre S. Large CO
2 effluxes at night and during synoptic weather events significantly contribute to CO2 emissions from a reservoir. Environmental Research Letters. 2016 May 24;11(6). - Duman T, Trakhtenbrot A, Poggi D, Cassiani M, Katul GG. Dissipation Intermittency Increases Long-Distance Dispersal of Heavy Particles in the Canopy Sublayer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2016 Apr 1;159(1):41u201368.
- Paschalis A, Katul GG, Fatichi S, Manoli G, Molnar P. Matching ecohydrological processes and scales of banded vegetation patterns in semiarid catchments. Water Resources Research. 2016 Mar 1;52(3):2259u201378.
- McColl KA, Katul GG, Gentine P, Entekhabi D. Mean-velocity profile of smooth channel flow explained by a cospectral budget model with wall-blockage. Physics of Fluids. 2016 Mar 1;28(3).
- Ghannam K, Nakai T, Paschalis A, Oishi CA, Kotani A, Igarashi Y, et al. Persistence and memory timescales in root-zone soil moisture dynamics. Water Resources Research. 2016 Feb 1;52(2):1427u201345.
- Li D, Katul GG, Gentine P. The k-1 scaling of air temperature spectra in atmospheric surface layer flows. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2016 Jan 1;142(694):496u2013505.
- Banerjee T, Li D, Juang JY, Katul G. A spectral budget model for the longitudinal turbulent velocity in the stable atmospheric surface layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2016 Jan 1;73(1):145u201366.
- Li D, Katul GG, Zilitinkevich SS. Closure schemes for stably stratified atmospheric flows without turbulence cutoff. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2016 Jan 1;73(12):4817u201332.
- Assouline S, Li D, Tyler S, Tanny J, Cohen S, Bou-Zeid E, et al. On the variability of the Priestley-Taylor coefficient over water bodies. Water Resources Research. 2016 Jan 1;52(1):150u201363.
- Ghannam K, Poggi D, Porporato A, Katul GG. The Spatio-temporal Statistical Structure and Ergodic Behaviour of Scalar Turbulence Within a Rod Canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2015 Dec 1;157(3):447u201360.
- Huang CW, Chu CR, Hsieh CI, Palmroth S, Katul GG. Wind-induced leaf transpiration. Advances in Water Resources. 2015 Dec 1;86:240u201355.
- Wang WJ, Huai WX, Thompson S, Katul GG. Steady nonuniform shallow flow within emergent vegetation. Water Resources Research. 2015 Dec 1;51(12):10047u201364.
- Svoray T, Assouline S, Katul G. Introduction to a special section on ecohydrology of semiarid environments: Confronting mathematical models with ecosystem complexity. Water Resources Research. 2015 Nov 1;51(11):8677u201383.
- Assouline S, Thompson SE, Chen L, Svoray T, Sela S, Katul GG. The dual role of soil crusts in desertification. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2015 Oct 1;120(10):2108u201319.
- Launiainen S, Katul GG, Lauren A, Kolari P. Coupling boreal forest CO
2 , H2 O and energy flows by a vertically structured forest canopy - Soil model with separate bryophyte layer. Ecological Modelling. 2015 Sep 4;312:385u2013405. - Cava D, Giostra U, Katul G. Characteristics of gravity waves over an Antarctic Ice sheet during an Austral Summer. Atmosphere. 2015 Sep 1;6(9):1271u201389.
- Katul GG, Manes C, Porporato A, Bou-Zeid E, Chamecki M. Bottlenecks in turbulent kinetic energy spectra predicted from structure function inflections using the Von Ku00e1rmu00e1n-Howarth equation. Physical review E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 2015 Sep;92(3):033009.
- Paschalis A, Fatichi S, Katul GG, Ivanov VY. Cross-scale impact of climate temporal variability on ecosystem water and carbon fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2015 Sep 1;120(9):1716u201340.
- Zhang Q, Katul GG, Oren R, Daly E, Manzoni S, Yang D. The hysteresis response of soil CO
2 concentration and soil respiration to soil temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2015 Aug 1;120(8):1605u201318. - Banerjee T, Katul GG, Salesky ST, Chamecki M. Revisiting the formulations for the longitudinal velocity variance in the unstable atmospheric surface layer. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2015 Jul 1;141(690):1699u2013711.
- Mande T, Ceperley NC, Katul GG, Tyler SW, Yacouba H, Parlange MB. Suppressed convective rainfall by agricultural expansion in southeastern Burkina Faso. Water Resources Research. 2015 Jul 1;51(7):5521u201330.
- Igarashi Y, Katul GG, Kumagai T, Yoshifuji N, Sato T, Tanaka N, et al. Separating physical and biological controls on long-term evapotranspiration fluctuations in a tropical deciduous forest subjected to monsoonal rainfall. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2015 Jul 1;120(7):1262u201378.
- Sato H, Kumagai T, Takahashi A, Katul GG. Effects of different representations of stomatal conductance response to humidity across the African continent under warmer CO
2 -enriched climate conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2015 May 1;120(5):979u201388. - Fatichi S, Katul GG, Ivanov VY, Pappas C, Paschalis A, Consolo A, et al. Abiotic and biotic controls of soil moisture spatiotemporal variability and the occurrence of hysteresis. Water Resources Research. 2015 May 1;51(5):3505u201324.
- Duman T, Tanny J, Dicken U, Siqueira MB, Katul GG. Footprint Estimation for Multi-Layered Sources and Sinks Inside Canopies in Open and Protected Environments. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2015 May 1;155(2):229u201348.
- Bonetti S, Manoli G, Domec JC, Putti M, Marani M, Katul GG. The influence of water table depth and the free atmospheric state on convective rainfall predisposition. Water Resources Research. 2015 Apr 1;51(4):2283u201397.
- Parolari AJ, Katul GG, Porporato A. The Doomsday Equation and 50 years beyond: new perspectives on the human-water system. WIREs Water. 2015 Mar 1;n/a-n/a.
- Banerjee T, Muste M, Katul G. Flume experiments on wind induced flow in static water bodies in the presence of protruding vegetation. Advances in Water Resources. 2015 Feb 1;76:11u201328.
- Li D, Katul GG, Zilitinkevich SS. Revisiting the turbulent prandtl number in an idealized atmospheric surface layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2015 Jan 1;72(6):2394u2013410.
- Huang CW, Lin MY, Khlystov A, Katul GG. The effects of leaf size and microroughness on the branch-scale collection efficiency of ultrafine particles. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2015 Jan 1;120(8):3370u201385.
- Banerjee T, Chamecki M, Katul G. Streamwise turbulent intensity under unstable atmospheric stratification explained by a spectral budget. In: Proceedings - 15th European Turbulence Conference, ETC 2015. 2015.
- Banerjee T, Chamecki M, Katul G. Streamwise turbulent intensity under unstable atmospheric stratification explained by a spectral budget. In: Proceedings - 15th European Turbulence Conference, ETC 2015. 2015.
- Paschalis A, Fatichi S, Katul GG, Ivanov VY. On the effects of temporal meteorological variability on ecosystem water and carbon fluxes across scales: A modeling approach. In: Rainfall in Urban and Natural Systems - Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas, UrbanRain 2015. 2015.
- Li D, Katul GG, Bou-Zeid E. Turbulent Energy Spectra and Cospectra of Momentum and Heat Fluxes in the Stable Atmospheric Surface Layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2015;157(1).
- Katul GG, Manes C. Cospectral budget of turbulence explains the bulk properties of smooth pipe flow. Physical review E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 2014 Dec;90(6):063008.
- Nakai T, Katul GG, Kotani A, Igarashi Y, Ohta T, Suzuki M, et al. Radiative and precipitation controls on root zone soil moisture spectra. Geophysical Research Letters. 2014 Nov 16;41(21):7546u201354.
- Manzoni S, Katul G. Invariant soil water potential at zero microbial respiration explained by hydrological discontinuity in dry soils. Geophysical Research Letters. 2014 Oct 28;41(20):7151u20138.
- Gleicher SC, Chamecki M, Isard SA, Pan Y, Katul GG. Interpreting three-dimensional spore concentration measurements and escape fraction in a crop canopy using a coupled Eulerianu2013Lagrangian stochastic model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2014 Aug;194:118u201331.
- Oldroyd HJ, Katul G, Pardyjak ER, Parlange MB. Momentum balance of katabatic flow on steep slopes covered with short vegetation. Geophysical Research Letters. 2014 Jul 16;41(13):4761u20138.
- Way DA, Katul GG, Manzoni S, Vico G. Increasing water use efficiency along the C3 to C4 evolutionary pathway: a stomatal optimization perspective. Journal of experimental botany. 2014 Jul;65(13):3683u201393.
- Manzoni S, Schaeffer SM, Katul G, Porporato A, Schimel JP. A theoretical analysis of microbial eco-physiological and diffusion limitations to carbon cycling in drying soils. Soil biology & biochemistry. 2014 Jun;73:69u201383.
- Manoli G, Bonetti S, Domec JC, Putti M, Katul G, Marani M. Tree root systems competing for soil moisture in a 3D soil-plant model. Advances in Water Resources. 2014 Apr 1;66:32u201342.
- Trakhtenbrot A, Katul GG, Nathan R. Mechanistic modeling of seed dispersal by wind over hilly terrain. Ecological Modelling. 2014 Feb 24;274:29u201340.
- Katul GG, Porporato A, Shah S, Bou-Zeid E. Erratum: Two phenomenological constants explain similarity laws in stably stratified turbulence (Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (2014) 89 023007)). Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2014 Feb 21;89(2).
- Katul GG, Porporato A, Shah S, Bou-Zeid E. Two phenomenological constants explain similarity laws in stably stratified turbulence. Physical review E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 2014 Feb;89(2):023007.
- Lin MY, Khlystov A, Katul GG. Vegetation collection efficiency of ultrafine particles: From single fiber to porous media. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2014 Jan 16;119(1):222u20139.
- Parolari AJ, Katul GG, Porporato A. An ecohydrological perspective on drought-induced forest mortality. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2014 Jan 1;119(5):965u201381.
- Manzoni S, Katul G, Porporato A. A dynamical system perspective on plant hydraulic failure. Water Resources Research. 2014 Jan 1;50(6):5170u201383.
- Band LE, McDonnell JJ, Duncan JM, Barros A, Bejan A, Burt T, et al. Ecohydrological flow networks in the subsurface. Ecohydrology. 2014 Jan 1;7(4):1073u20138.
- Manzoni S, Vico G, Katul G, Palmroth S, Porporato A. Optimal plant water-use strategies under stochastic rainfall. Water Resources Research. 2014 Jan 1;50(7):5379u201394.
- Albertson JD, Foster-Wittig TA, Ferrari S, Katul G, Thoma E. Bayesian estimation of methane emission rates from a single high-frequency gas sensor. In: Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Associationu2019s Annual Conference and Exhibition, AWMA. 2014. p. 622u20136.
- Thompson SE, Assouline S, Chen L, Trahktenbrot A, Svoray T, Katul GG. Secondary dispersal driven by overland flow in drylands: Review and mechanistic model development. Movement ecology. 2014 Jan;2(1):7.
- Huang CW, Launiainen S, Gru00f6nholm T, Katul GG. Particle deposition to forests: An alternative to K-theory. Atmospheric Environment. 2014 Jan 1;94:593u2013605.
- Duman T, Katul GG, Siqueira MB, Cassiani M. A Velocity-Dissipation Lagrangian Stochastic Model for Turbulent Dispersion in Atmospheric Boundary-Layer and Canopy Flows. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2014 Jan 1;152(1):1u201318.
- Zhang Q, Manzoni S, Katul G, Porporato A, Yang D. The hysteretic evapotranspiration - Vapor pressure deficit relation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2014 Jan 1;119(2):125u201340.
- Thompson SE, Assouline S, Chen L, Trakhtenbrot A, Svoray T, Katul G. Correction: Secondary dispersal driven by overland flow in drylands: Review and mechanistic model development. Movement ecology. 2014 Jan;2:14.
- Banerjee T, Katul GG. Logarithmic scaling in the longitudinal velocity variance explained by a spectral budget. Physics of Fluids. 2013 Dec 2;25(12).
- Vico G, Manzoni S, Palmroth S, Weih M, Katul G. A perspective on optimal leaf stomatal conductance under CO2 and light co-limitations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2013 Dec;182-:191u20139.
- Manzoni S, Vico G, Palmroth S, Porporato A, Katul G. Optimization of stomatal conductance for maximum carbon gain under dynamic soil moisture. Advances in Water Resources. 2013 Dec 1;62(PA):90u2013105.
- Huang J, Katul G, Albertson J. The role of coherent turbulent structures in explaining scalar dissimilarity within the canopy sublayer. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 2013 Dec 1;13(6):571u201399.
- Salesky ST, Katul GG, Chamecki M. Buoyancy effects on the integral lengthscales and mean velocity profile in atmospheric surface layer flows. Physics of Fluids. 2013 Oct 23;25(10).
- Volpe V, Marani M, Albertson JD, Katul G. Root controls on water redistribution and carbon uptake in the soil-plant system under current and future climate. Advances in Water Resources. 2013 Oct 1;60:110u201320.
- Huang C-W, Lin M-Y, Khlystov A, Katul G. The effects of leaf area density variation on the particle collection efficiency in the size range of ultrafine particles (UFP). Environmental science & technology. 2013 Oct;47(20):11607u201315.
- Banerjee T, Katul G, Fontan S, Poggi D, Kumar M. Mean Flow Near Edges and Within Cavities Situated Inside Dense Canopies. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2013 Oct 1;149(1):19u201341.
- Katul GG. Katul Receives 2012 Hydrologic Sciences Award: Response. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 2013 Oct;94(40):354u2013354.
- Parlange MB. Katul Receives 2012 Hydrologic Sciences Award: Citation. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 2013 Oct;94(40):354u2013354.
- Katul GG, Porporato A, Manes C, Meneveau C. Co-spectrum and mean velocity in turbulent boundary layers. Physics of Fluids. 2013 Sep 18;25(9).
- Pazos GE, Greene DF, Katul G, Bertiller MB, Soons MB. Seed dispersal by wind: Towards a conceptual framework of seed abscission and its contribution to long-distance dispersal. Journal of Ecology. 2013 Jul 1;101(4):889u2013904.
- Higgins CW, Katul GG, Froidevaux M, Simeonov V, Parlange MB. Are atmospheric surface layer flows ergodic? Geophysical Research Letters. 2013 Jun 28;40(12):3342u20136.
- Thompson SE, Katul GG. Implications of nonrandom seed abscission and global stilling for migration of wind-dispersed plant species. Global change biology. 2013 Jun;19(6):1720u201335.
- Launiainen S, Katul GG, Gru00f6nholm T, Vesala T. Partitioning ozone fluxes between canopy and forest floor by measurements and a multi-layer model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2013 May;173:85u201399.
- Manzoni S, Vico G, Katul G, Palmroth S, Jackson RB, Porporato A. Hydraulic limits on maximum plant transpiration and the emergence of the safety-efficiency trade-off. New Phytol. 2013 Apr;198(1):169u201378.
- Fontan S, Katul GG, Poggi D, Manes C, Ridolfi L. Flume Experiments on Turbulent Flows Across Gaps of Permeable and Impermeable Boundaries. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2013 Apr 1;147(1):21u201339.
- Katul GG, Li D, Chamecki M, Bou-Zeid E. Erratum: Mean scalar concentration profile in a sheared and thermally stratified atmospheric surface layer (Physical Review E (2013) 87 (023004) DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.87.023004). Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2013 Mar 22;87(3).
- Kaack LH, Katul GG. Fifty years to prove Malthus right. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013 Mar;110(11):4161u20132.
- Palmroth S, Katul GG, Maier CA, Ward E, Manzoni S, Vico G. On the complementary relationship between marginal nitrogen and water-use efficiencies among Pinus taeda leaves grown under ambient and CO2-enriched environments. Annals of botany. 2013 Mar;111(3):467u201377.
- Katul GG, Li D, Chameki M, Bou-Zeid E. Mean scalar concentration profile in a sheared and thermally stratified atmospheric surface layer. Physical review E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 2013 Feb;87(2):023004.
- Manzoni S, Vico G, Porporato A, Katul G. Biological constraints on water transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. Advances in Water Resources. 2013 Jan 1;51:292u2013304.
- Nordbo A, Katul G. A Wavelet-Based Correction Method for Eddy-Covariance High-Frequency Losses in Scalar Concentration Measurements. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2013 Jan 1;146(1):81u2013102.
- Katul GG, Cava D, Siqueira M, Poggi D. Scalar Turbulence within the Canopy Sublayer. In: Coherent Flow Structures at Earthu2019s Surface. 2013. p. 73u201395.
- Barry DA, Katul GG, Miller CT, Rinaldo A. Advances in Water Resources: 35th Anniversary Issue Preface. Advances in Water Resources. 2013 Jan 1;51:1u20132.
- Huang J, Katul G, Albertson J. The role of coherent turbulent structures in explaining scalar dissimilarity within the canopy sublayer. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 2013;1u201329.
- Thompson SE, Katul GG. Hydraulic determinism as a constraint on the evolution of organisms and ecosystems. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 2012 Dec 4;50(6):547u201357.
- Katul GG, Porporato A, Nikora V. Existence of ku207bu00b9 power-law scaling in the equilibrium regions of wall-bounded turbulence explained by Heisenberg's eddy viscosity. Physical review E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 2012 Dec;86(6 Pt 2):066311.
- Li D, Katul GG, Bou-Zeid E. Mean velocity and temperature profiles in a sheared diabatic turbulent boundary layer. Physics of Fluids. 2012 Oct 3;24(10).
- Francone C, Katul GG, Cassardo C, Richiardone R. Turbulent transport efficiency and the ejection-sweep motion for momentum and heat on sloping terrain covered with vineyards. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2012 Sep;162-:98u2013107.
- Katul GG, Oren R, Manzoni S, Higgins C, Parlange MB. Evapotranspiration: A process driving mass transport and energy exchange in the soil-plant-atmosphere-climate system. Reviews of Geophysics. 2012 Sep 1;50(3).
- Manes C, Ridolfi L, Katul G. A phenomenological model to describe turbulent friction in permeable-wall flows. Geophysical Research Letters. 2012 Jul 28;39(14).
- Novick KA, Katul GG, McCarthy HR, Oren R. Increased resin flow in mature pine trees growing under elevated CO2 and moderate soil fertility. Tree physiology. 2012 Jun;32(6):752u201363.
- Cava D, Katul GG. On the scaling laws of the velocity-scalar cospectra in the canopy sublayer above tall forests. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2012 May 30;145(2):351u201367.
- Lin M, Katul GG, Khlystov A. A branch scale analytical model for predicting the vegetation collection efficiency of ultrafine particles. Atmospheric Environment. 2012 May 1;51:293u2013302.
- Detto M, Molini A, Katul G, Stoy P, Palmroth S, Baldocchi D. Causality and persistence in ecological systems: a nonparametric spectral granger causality approach. The American naturalist. 2012 Apr;179(4):524u201335.
- Thompson SE, Katul GG. Multiple mechanisms generate Lorentzian and 1/f u03b1 power spectra in daily stream-flow time series. Advances in Water Resources. 2012 Mar 1;37:94u2013103.
- Siqueira MB, Katul GG, Tanny J. The Effect of the Screen on the Mass, Momentum, and Energy Exchange Rates of a Uniform Crop Situated in an Extensive Screenhouse. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2012 Mar 1;142(3):339u201363.
- Konings AG, Katul GG, Thompson SE. A phenomenological model for the flow resistance over submerged vegetation. Water Resources Research. 2012 Feb 29;48(2).
- Katul GG, Poggi D. The effects of gentle topographic variation on dispersal kernels of inertial particles. Geophysical Research Letters. 2012 Feb 1;39(3).
- Cava D, Katul GG, Molini A, Elefante C. The role of surface characteristics on intermittency and zero-crossing properties of atmospheric turbulence. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2012 Jan 1;117(1).
- Katul GG, Konings AG, Porporato A. Mean velocity profile in a sheared and thermally stratified atmospheric boundary layer. Phys Rev Lett. 2011 Dec 23;107(26):268502.
- Launiainen S, Katul GG, Kolari P, Vesala T, Hari P. Empirical and optimal stomatal controls on leaf and ecosystem level CO2 and H2O exchange rates. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2011 Dec;151(12):1672u201389.
- Konings AG, Dekker SC, Rietkerk M, Katul GG. Drought sensitivity of patterned vegetation determined by rainfall-land surface feedbacks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2011 Dec 1;116(4).
- Volpe V, Manzoni S, Marani M, Katul G. Leaf conductance and carbon gain under salt-stressed conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2011 Dec 1;116(4).
- Lee X, Goulden ML, Hollinger DY, Barr A, Black TA, Bohrer G, et al. Observed increase in local cooling effect of deforestation at higher latitudes. Nature. 2011 Nov;479(7373):384u20137.
- Vico G, Manzoni S, Palmroth S, Katul G. Effects of stomatal delays on the economics of leaf gas exchange under intermittent light regimes. The New phytologist. 2011 Nov;192(3):640u201352.
- Thompson SE, Katul GG. Inferring ecosystem parameters from observation of vegetation patterns. Geophysical Research Letters. 2011 Oct 1;38(20).
- Katul GG, Poggi D, Ridolfi L. A flow resistance model for assessing the impact of vegetation on flood routing mechanics. Water Resources Research. 2011 Sep 7;47(8).
- Thompson S, Katul G, Konings A, Ridolfi L. Unsteady overland flow on flat surfaces induced by spatial permeability contrasts. Advances in Water Resources. 2011 Aug 1;34(8):1049u201358.
- Tanny J, Cohen S, Berger D, Teltch B, Mekhmandarov Y, Bahar M, et al. Evaporation from a reservoir with fluctuating water level: Correcting for limited fetch. Journal of Hydrology. 2011 Jul 11;404(3u20134):146u201356.
- Katul GG, Poggi D. A note on aerosol sized particle deposition onto dense and tall canopies situated on gentle cosine hills. Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology. 2011 Jul 1;63(3):395u2013400.
- Ramu00edrez-Cobo P, Lee KS, Molini A, Porporato A, Katul G, Vidakovic B. A wavelet-based spectral method for extracting self-similarity measures in time-varying two-dimensional rainfall maps. Journal of Time Series Analysis. 2011 Jul 1;32(4):351u201363.
- Molini A, Talkner P, Katul GG, Porporato A. First passage time statistics of Brownian motion with purely time dependent drift and diffusion. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2011 Jun 1;390(11):1841u201352.
- Manzoni S, Vico G, Katul G, Fay PA, Polley W, Palmroth S, et al. Optimizing stomatal conductance for maximum carbon gain under water stress: a meta-analysis across plant functional types and climates. Functional Ecology. 2011 Jun;25(3):456u201367.
- Nathan R, Katul GG, Bohrer G, Kuparinen A, Soons MB, Thompson SE, et al. Mechanistic models of seed dispersal by wind. Theoretical Ecology. 2011 May 1;4(2):113u201332.
- Poggi D, Katul GG, Vidakovic B. The Role of Wake Production on the Scaling Laws of Scalar Concentration Fluctuation Spectra Inside Dense Canopies. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2011 Apr 1;139(1):83u201395.
- Molini A, Katul GG, Porporato A. Maximum discharge from snowmelt in a changing climate. Geophysical Research Letters. 2011 Mar 16;38(5).
- Manzoni S, Katul G, Fay PA, Polley HW, Porporato A. Modeling the vegetation-atmosphere carbon dioxide and water vapor interactions along a controlled CO
2 gradient. Ecological Modelling. 2011 Feb 10;222(3):653u201365. - Katul GG, Gru00f6nholm T, Launiainen S, Vesala T. The effects of the canopy medium on dry deposition velocities of aerosol particles in the canopy sub-layer above forested ecosystems. Atmospheric Environment. 2011 Feb 1;45(5):1203u201312.
- Nathan R, Horvitz N, He YP, Kuparinen A, Schurr FM, Katul GG. Spread of North American wind-dispersed trees in future environments. Ecology Letters. 2011;14(3):211u20139.
- Way D, Oren R, Kim HS, Katul G. How well do stomatal conductance models perform on closing plant carbon budgets? A test using seedlings grown under current and elevated air temperatures. Journal of Geophysical Researach. 2011;116:G04031,doi:10.1029/2011JG001808.
- Xiao J, Zhuang Q, Law BE, Baldocchi DD, Chen J, Richardson AD, et al. Assessing net ecosystem carbon exchange of U.S. terrestrial ecosystems by integrating eddy covariance flux measurements and satellite observations. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY. 2011 Jan;151(1):60u20139.
- Thompson S, Alvarez-Loayza P, Terborgh J, Katul G. The effects of plant pathogens on tree recruitment in the Western Amazon under a projected future climate: a dynamical systems analysis. The Journal of ecology. 2010 Nov;98(6):1434u201346.
- Palmroth S, Katul GG, Hui D, McCarthy HR, Jackson RB, Oren R. Estimation of long-term basin scale evapotranspiration from streamflow time series. Water Resources Research. 2010 Oct 29;46(10).
- Thompson SE, Katul GG, Porporato A. Role of microtopography in rainfall-runoff partitioning: An analysis using idealized geometry. Water Resources Research. 2010 Jul 1;46(7).
- Konings AG, Katul GG, Porporato A. The rainfall-no rainfall transition in a coupled land-convective atmosphere system. Geophysical Research Letters. 2010 Jul 1;37(14).
- Katul GG, Siqueira MB. Biotic and abiotic factors act in coordination to amplify hydraulic redistribution and lift. The New phytologist. 2010 Jul;187(1):3u20136.
- Vekemans X. What's good for you may be good for me: evidence for adaptive introgression of multiple traits in wild sunflower. The New phytologist. 2010 Jul;187(1):6u20139.
- Detto M, Baldocchi D, Katul GG. Scaling Properties of Biologically Active Scalar Concentration Fluctuations in the Atmospheric Surface Layer over a Managed Peatland. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2010 Jun 16;136(3):407u201330.
- Thompson SE, Harman CJ, Heine P, Katul GG. Vegetationu2010infiltration relationships across climatic and soil type gradients. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2010 Jun;115(G2).
- Poggi D, Katul GG. Evaluation of the Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rate Inside Canopies by Zero- and Level-Crossing Density Methods. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2010 May 17;136(2):219u201333.
- Katul GG, Poggi D. The influence of hilly terrain on aerosol-sized particle deposition into forested canopies. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2010 Apr 1;135(1):67u201388.
- Siqueira MB, Katul GG. An analytical model for the distribution of CO
2 sources and sinks, fluxes, and mean concentration within the roughness sub-Layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2010 Apr 1;135(1):31u201350. - Oishi AC, Oren R, Novick KA, Palmroth S, Katul GG. Interannual Invariability of Forest Evapotranspiration and Its Consequence to Water Flow Downstream. Ecosystems. 2010 Apr;13(3):421u201336.
- Katul G, Manzoni S, Palmroth S, Oren R. A stomatal optimization theory to describe the effects of atmospheric CO2 on leaf photosynthesis and transpiration. Annals of botany. 2010 Mar;105(3):431u201342.
- Hollinger DY, Ollinger SV, Richardson AD, Meyers TP, Dail DB, Martin ME, et al. Albedo estimates for land surface models and support for a new paradigm based on foliage nitrogen concentration. Global Change Biology. 2010 Feb;16(2):696u2013710.
- Molini A, Katul GG, Porporato A. Scale-wise evolution of rainfall probability density functions fingerprints the rainfall generation mechanism. Geophysical Research Letters. 2010 Jan 1;37(1).
- Katul GG, Gru00f6nholm T, Launiainen S, Vesala T. Predicting the dry deposition of aerosol-sized particles using layer-resolved canopy and pipe flow analogy models: Role of turbophoresis. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2010 Jan 1;115(12).
- Bash JO, Walker JT, Katul GG, Jones MR, Nemitz E, Robarg WP. Estimation of in-canopy ammonia sources and sinks in a fertilized Zea mays field. Environmental Science and Technology. 2010;44(5):1683u20139.
- Molini A, Katul GG, Porporato A. Causality across rainfall time scales revealed by continuous wavelet transforms. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2010 Jan 1;115(14).
- Xiao JF, Zhuang QL, Law BE, Chen JQ, Baldocchi DD, Cook DR, et al. A continuous measure of gross primary production for the conterminous United States derived from MODIS and AmeriFlux data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2010;114(3):576u201391.
- Siqueira MB, Katul GG. A sensitivity analysis of the nocturnal boundary-layer properties to atmospheric emissivity formulations. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2010 Jan 1;134(2):223u201342.
- Yi CX, Ricciuto D, Li R, Wolbeck J, Xu XY, Nilsson M, et al. Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents. Environmental Research Letters. 2010;5(3).
- Molini A, Katul GG, Porporato A. Revisiting rainfall clustering and intermittency across different climatic regimes. Water Resources Research. 2009 Nov 1;45(11).
- Patton EG, Katul GG. Turbulent pressure and velocity perturbations induced by gentle hills covered with sparse and dense canopies. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2009 Nov 1;133(2):189u2013217.
- Poggi D, Krug C, Katul GG. Hydraulic resistance of submerged rigid vegetation derived from first-order closure models. Water Resources Research. 2009 Oct 1;45(10).
- Kuparinen A, Katul G, Nathan R, Schurr FM. Increases in air temperature can promote wind-driven dispersal and spread of plants. Proceedings Biological sciences. 2009 Sep;276(1670):3081u20137.
- Novick KA, Oren R, Stoy PC, Siqueira MBS, Katul GG. Nocturnal evapotranspiration in eddy-covariance records from three co-located ecosystems in the Southeastern U.S.: Implications for annual fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2009 Sep;149(9):1491u2013504.
- Avissar R, Holder HE, Abehserra N, Bolch MA, Novick K, Canning P, et al. The Duke University helicopter observation platform. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2009 Aug 26;90(7):939u201354.
- Katul GG, Palmroth S, Oren R. Leaf stomatal responses to vapour pressure deficit under current and CO(2)-enriched atmosphere explained by the economics of gas exchange. Plant, cell & environment. 2009 Aug;32(8):968u201379.
- Daly E, Palmroth S, Stoy P, Siqueira M, Oishi AC, Juang J-Y, et al. The effects of elevated atmospheric COu2082 and nitrogen amendments on subsurface COu2082 production and concentration dynamics in a maturing pine forest. Biogeochemistry. 2009 Jul;94(3):271u201387.
- Bohrer G, Katul GG, Walko RL, Avissar R. Exploring the effects of microscale structural heterogeneity of forest canopies using large-eddy simulations. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2009 Jun 30;132(3):351u201382.
- Thompson S, Katul G, Terborgh J, Alvarez-Loayza P. Spatial organization of vegetation arising from non-local excitation with local inhibition in tropical rainforests. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2009 Jun 15;238(13):1061u20137.
- Novick K, Oren R, Stoy P, Juang JY, Siqueira M, Katul G. The relationship between reference canopy conductance and simplified hydraulic architecture. Advances in Water Resources. 2009 Jun 1;32(6):809u201319.
- Siqueira M, Katul G, Porporato A. Soil moisture feedbacks on convection triggers: The role of soil-plant hydrodynamics. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 2009 May 5;10(1):96u2013112.
- Colchero F, Medellin RA, Clark JS, Lee R, Katul GG. Predicting population survival under future climate change: density dependence, drought and extraction in an insular bighorn sheep. The Journal of animal ecology. 2009 May;78(3):666u201373.
- Oren, R, Katul, G, Oishi, AC. AmeriFlux Radiological and Meteorological Data for Duke Forest Open Field. 2009.
- Matamala, R, Cook, D, Gonzalez-Meler, M, Jastrow, J, Katul, G, Lesht, B. AmeriFlux Radiological and Meteorological Data for Fermi Agricultural Site. 2009.
- Oren, R, Katul, G, Oishi, AC. AmeriFlux Radiological and Meteorological Data for Duke Forest Hardwoods Site. 2009.
- Matamala, R, Cook, D, Gonzalez-Meler, M, Jastrow, J, Katul, G, Lesht, B. AmeriFlux Radiological and Meteorological Data for Fermi Prairie Site. 2009.
- Katul GG, Cava D, Launiainen S, Vesala T. An analytical model for the two-scalar covariance budget inside a uniform dense canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2009 Feb 25;131(2):173u201392.
- Cava D, Katul GG. The effects of thermal stratification on clustering properties of canopy turbulence. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2009 Feb 12;130(3):307u201325.
- Thompson S, Katul G. Secondary seed dispersal and its role in landscape organization. Geophysical Research Letters. 2009 Jan 28;36(2).
- Katul GG, Porporato A, Poggi D. Roughness effects on fine-scale anisotropy and anomalous scaling in atmospheric flows. Physics of Fluids. 2009 Jan 1;21(3).
- Hsieh C-I, Katul G. The Lagrangian stochastic model for estimating footprint and water vapor fluxes over inhomogeneous surfaces. International journal of biometeorology. 2009 Jan;53(1):87u2013100.
- Poggi D, Katul G. Flume experiments on intermittency and zero-crossing properties of canopy turbulence. Physics of Fluids. 2009 Jan 1;21(6).
- Stoy PC, Richardson AD, Baldocchi DD, Katul GG, Stanovick J, Mahecha MD, et al. Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of CO
2 in relation to climate: A cross-biome analysis across multiple time scales. Biogeosciences. 2009 Jan 1;6(10):2297u2013312. - Katul G, Novick K. Evapotranspiration. In: Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. 2009. p. 661u20137.
- Manzoni S, Katul GG, Porporato A. Analysis of soil carbon transit times and age distributions using network theories. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2009 Jan 1;114(4).
- Song C, Katul G, Oren R, Band LE, Tague CL, Stoy PC, et al. Energy, water, and carbon fluxes in a loblolly pine stand: Results from uniform and gappy canopy models with comparisons to eddy flux data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2009 Jan 1;114(4).
- Kefi S, Rietkerk M, Katul GG. Vegetation pattern shift as a result of rising atmospheric CO2 in arid ecosystems. Theoretical population biology. 2008 Dec;74(4):332u201344.
- Wright SJ, Trakhtenbrot A, Bohrer G, Detto M, Katul GG, Horvitz N, et al. Understanding strategies for seed dispersal by wind under contrasting atmospheric conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2008 Dec;105(49):19084u20139.
- Oren, R, Katul, G, Novick, K, McCarthy, H, Stoy, P, Pippen, J. Ameriflux Biological Data Template for Duke Forest Loblolly Pine Site. 2008.
- Oren, R, Katul, G, Novick, K, Oishi, C, Stoy, P. Ameriflux Biological Data Template for Duke Forest Hardwoods Site. 2008.
- Poggi D, Katul GG. Turbulent intensities and velocity spectra for bare and forested gentle hills: Flume experiments. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2008 Oct 1;129(1):25u201346.
- Thompson S, Katul G, McMahon SM. Role of biomass spread in vegetation pattern formation within arid ecosystems. Water Resources Research. 2008 Oct 1;44(10).
- Oren, R, Katul, G, Novick, K, Stoy, P, Uebelherr, J. Ameriflux Biological Data Template for Duke Forest Open Fields Site. 2008.
- Oren, R, Katul, G, Ellsworth, D, Oishi, AC. AmeriFlux Radiological and Meteorological Data for Duke Forest Loblolly Pine Site. 2008.
- Detto M, Katul GG, Siqueira M, Juang J-Y, Stoy P. The structure of turbulence near a tall forest edge: the backward-facing step flow analogy revisited. Ecological applicationsu202f: a publication of the Ecological Society of America. 2008 Sep;18(6):1420u201335.
- Thomas C, Martin JG, Goeckede M, Siqueira MB, Foken T, Law BE, et al. Estimating daytime subcanopy respiration from conditional sampling methods applied to multi-scalar high frequency turbulence time series. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2008 Jul 4;148(8u20139):1210u201329.
- Daly E, Oishi AC, Porporato A, Katul GG. A stochastic model for daily subsurface CO
2 concentration and related soil respiration. Advances in Water Resources. 2008 Jul 1;31(7):987u201394. - Cava D, Katul GG, Sempreviva AM, Giostra U, Scrimieri A. On the anomalous behaviour of scalar flux-variance similarity functions within the canopy sub-layer of a dense alpine forest. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2008 Jul 1;128(1):33u201357.
- Juang JY, Katul GG, Siqueira MB, Stoy PC, McCarthy HR. Investigating a hierarchy of eulerian closure models for scalar transfer inside forested canopies. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2008 Jul 1;128(1):1u201332.
- Bohrer G, Katul GG, Nathan R, Walko RL, Avissar R. Effects of canopy heterogeneity, seed abscission and inertia on wind-driven dispersal kernels of tree seeds. Journal of Ecology. 2008 Jul 1;96(4):569u201380.
- Poggi D, Katul GG, Finnigan JJ, Belcher SE. Analytical models for the mean flow inside dense canopies on gentle hilly terrain. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2008 Jul 1;134(634 A):1095u2013112.
- Poggi D, Katul GG. The effect of canopy roughness density on the constitutive components of the dispersive stresses. Experiments in Fluids. 2008 Jul 1;45(1):111u201321.
- Detto M, Katul G, Mancini M, Montaldo N, Albertson JD. Surface heterogeneity and its signature in higher-order scalar similarity relationships. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2008 Jun 30;148(6u20137):902u201316.
- STOY PC, KATUL GG, SIQUEIRA MBS, JUANG JEHN-YIH, NOVICK KA, McCARTHY HR, et al. Role of vegetation in determining carbon sequestration along ecological succession in the southeastern United States. Global Change Biology. 2008 Jun;14(6):1409u201327.
- Poggi D, Katul GG, Cassiani M. On the anomalous behavior of the Lagrangian structure function similarity constant inside dense canopies. Atmospheric Environment. 2008 Jun 1;42(18):4212u201331.
- Thompson S, Katul G. Plant propagation fronts and wind dispersal: an analytical model to upscale from seconds to decades using superstatistics. The American naturalist. 2008 Apr;171(4):468u201379.
- Cava D, Katul GG. Spectral short-circuiting and wake production within the canopy trunk space of an alpine hardwood forest. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2008 Mar 1;126(3):415u201331.
- Cassiani M, Katul GG, Albertson JD. The effects of canopy leaf area index on airflow across forest edges: Large-eddy simulation and analytical results. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2008 Mar 1;126(3):433u201360.
- Katul GG, Sempreviva AM, Cava D. The temperature-humidity covariance in the marine surface layer: A one-dimensional analytical model. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2008 Feb 1;126(2):263u201378.
- Poggi D, Katul GG. Micro- and macro-dispersive fluxes in canopy flows. Acta Geophysica. 2008 Jan 1;56(3):778u201399.
- Assouline S, Tyler SW, Tanny J, Cohen S, Bou-Zeid E, Parlange MB, et al. Evaporation from three water bodies of different sizes and climates: Measurements and scaling analysis. Advances in Water Resources. 2008 Jan 1;31(1):160u201372.
- Ollinger SV, Richardson AD, Martin ME, Hollinger DY, Frolking SE, Reich PB, et al. Canopy nitrogen, carbon assimilation, and albedo in temperate and boreal forests: Functional relations and potential climate feedbacks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2008;105(49):19336u201341.
- Siqueira M, Katul G, Porporato A. Onset of water stress, hysteresis in plant conductance, and hydraulic lift: Scaling soil water dynamics from millimeters to meters. Water Resources Research. 2008 Jan 1;44(1).
- Xiao J, Zhuang Q, Baldocchi DD, Law BE, Richardson AD, Chen J, et al. Estimation of net ecosystem carbon exchange for the conterminous United States by combining MODIS and AmeriFlux data. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY. 2008;148(11):1827u201347.
- Katul G, Porporato A, Oren R. Stochastic dynamics of plant-water interactions. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 2007 Dec 1;38:767u201391.
- Juang JY, Katul G, Siqueira M, Stoy P, Novick K. Separating the effects of albedo from eco-physiological changes on surface temperature along a successional chronosequence in the southeastern United States. Geophysical Research Letters. 2007 Nov 16;34(21).
- Launiainen S, Vesala T, Mu00f6lder M, Mammarella I, Smolander S, Rannik U, et al. Vertical variability and effect of stability on turbulence characteristics down to the floor of a pine forest. Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology. 2007 Nov 1;59(5):919u201336.
- Sanz C, Katul GG. Dual length scale two-equation modelling of the canopy turbulent kinetic energy wake budget. Comptes Rendus - Mecanique. 2007 Nov 1;335(11):685u201390.
- Poggi D, Katul GG. An experimental investigation of the mean momentum budget inside dense canopies on narrow gentle hilly terrain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2007 May;144(1u20132):1u201313.
- Poggi D, Katul GG. Turbulent flows on forested hilly terrain: The recirculation region. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2007 Apr 1;133(625 B):1027u201339.
- Poggi D, Katul G. The ejection-sweep cycle over bare and forested gentle hills: A laboratory experiment. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2007 Mar 1;122(3):493u2013515.
- Abdallah SM, Habib RR, Nuwayhid RY, Chatila M, Katul G. Radon measurements in well and spring water in Lebanon. Radiation Measurements. 2007 Jan 1;42(2):298u2013303.
- Poggi D, Katul GG, Albertson JD, Ridolfi L. An experimental investigation of turbulent flows over a hilly surface. Physics of Fluids. 2007 Jan 1;19(3).
- Stoy PC, Palmroth S, Oishi AC, Siqueira MBS, Juang JY, Novick KA, et al. Are ecosystem carbon inputs andoutputs coupled at short time scales? A case study from adjacent pine and hardwood forests using impulse-response analysis. Plant, Cell and Environment. 2007;30:700u201310.
- Detto M, Katul GG. Simplified expressions for adjusting higher-order turbulent statistics obtained from open path gas analyzers. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2007 Jan 1;122(1):205u201316.
- Juang J-Y, Katul GG, Porporato A, Stoy PC, Siqueira MS, Detto M, et al. Eco-hydrological controls on summertime convective rainfall triggers. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 2007;13(4):887u201396.
- Katul GG, Porporato A, Daly E, Oishi AC, Kim H-S, Stoy PC, et al. On the spectrum of soil moisture from hourly to interannual scales. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH. 2007;43(5).
- Juang J-Y, Porporato A, Stoy PC, Siqueira MS, Oishi AC, Detto M, et al. Hydrologic and atmospheric controls on initiation of convective precipitation events. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH. 2007;43(3).
- Richardson CJ, Elting R, Pahl J, Katul G. Restoration of hydrologic and biogeochemical functions in bottomland hardwoods. Hydrology and Management of Forested Wetlands - Proceeding of the International Conference. 2006 Dec 1;50u20137.
- Stoy PC, Katul GG, Siqueira MBS, Juang JY, Novick KA, Uebelherr JM, et al. An evaluation of models for partitioning eddy covariance-measured net ecosystem exchange into photosynthesis and respiration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2006 Dec;141(1):2u201318.
- Poggi D, Katul GG. Two-dimensional scalar spectra in the deeper layers of a dense and uniform model canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2006 Nov 1;121(2):267u201381.
- Jaksic V, Kiely G, Albertson J, Oren R, Katul G, Leahy P, et al. Net ecosystem exchange of grassland in contrasting wet and dry years. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2006 Oct;139(3u20134):323u201334.
- Katul G, Poggi D, Cava D, Finnigan J. The relative importance of ejections and sweeps to momentum transfer in the atmospheric boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2006 Sep 1;120(3):367u201375.
- Detto M, Montaldo N, Albertson JD, Mancini M, Katul G. Soil moisture and vegetation controls on evapotranspiration in a heterogeneous Mediterranean ecosystem on Sardinia, Italy. Water Resources Research. 2006 Aug 1;42(8).
- Katul G, Ruggeri F, Vidakovic B. Denoising ozone concentration measurements with BAMS filtering. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 2006 Jul 1;136(7 SPEC. ISS.):2395u2013405.
- SIQUEIRA MB, KATUL GG, SAMPSON DA, STOY PC, JUANG J-Y, MCCARTHY HR, et al. Multiscale model intercomparisons of COu2082 and Hu2082O exchange rates in a maturing southeastern US pine forest. Global Change Biology. 2006 Jul;12(7):1189u2013207.
- Oren R, HSIEH CHENG-I, STOY PAUL, Albertson J, MCCARTHY HR, HARRELL PETER, et al. Estimating the uncertainty in annual net ecosystem carbon exchange: spatial variation in turbulent fluxes and sampling errors in eddy-covariance measurements. Global Change Biology. 2006 May;12(5):883u201396.
- Juang JY, Katul GG, Siqueira MBS, Stoy PC, Palmroth S, McCarthy HR, et al. Modeling nighttime ecosystem respiration from measured CO
2 concentration and air temperature profiles using inverse methods. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2006 Apr 27;111(8). - Katul G, Porporato A, Cava D, Siqueira M. An analysis of intermittency, scaling, and surface renewal in atmospheric surface layer turbulence. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2006 Mar 15;215(2):117u201326.
- Chuang YL, Oren R, Bertozzi AL, Phillips N, Katul GG. The porous media model for the hydraulic system of a conifer tree: Linking sap flux data to transpiration rate. Ecological Modelling. 2006 Feb 5;191(3u20134):447u201368.
- Poggi D, Katul G, Albertson J. Scalar dispersion within a model canopy: Measurements and three-dimensional Lagrangian models. Advances in Water Resources. 2006 Feb 1;29(2):326u201335.
- Williams CG, LaDeau SL, Oren R, Katul GG. Modeling seed dispersal distances: implications for transgenic Pinus taeda. Ecological applicationsu202f: a publication of the Ecological Society of America. 2006 Feb;16(1):117u201324.
- Katul G, Williams CG, Siqueira M, Poggi D, Porporato A, McCarthy H, et al. Dispersal of Transgenic Conifer Pollen. In: Managing Forest Ecosystems. Springer Netherlands; 2006. p. 121u201346.
- Krajewski WF, Anderson MC, Eichinger WE, Entekhabi D, Hornbuckle BK, Houser PR, et al. A remote sensing observatory for hydrologic sciences: A genesis for scaling to continental hydrology. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH. 2006;42(7).
- Stoy PC, Katul GG, Siqueira MBS, Juang J-Y, Novick KA, McCarthy HR, et al. Separating the effects of climate and vegetation on evapotranspiration along a successional chronosequence in the southeastern US. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 2006;12(11):2115u201335.
- Katul GG, Finnigan JJ, Poggi D, Leuning R, Belcher SE. The influence of hilly terrain on canopy-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchange. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2006 Jan 1;118(1):189u2013216.
- Cava D, Katul GG, Scrimieri A, Poggi D, Cescatti A, Giostra U. Buoyancy and the sensible heat flux budget within dense canopies. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2006 Jan 1;118(1):217u201340.
- Richardson AD, Hollinger DY, Burba GG, Davis KJ, Flanagan LB, Katul GG, et al. A multi-site analysis of random error in tower-based measurements of carbon and energy fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2006 Jan;136(1u20132):1u201318.
- Bohrer G, Mourad H, Laursen TA, Drewry D, Avissar R, Poggi D, et al. Finite element tree crown hydrodynamics model (FETCH) using porous media flow within branching elements: A new representation of tree hydrodynamics. Water Resources Research. 2005 Nov 1;41(11):1u201317.
- Katul GG, Porporato A, Nathan R, Siqueira M, Soons MB, Poggi D, et al. Mechanistic analytical models for long-distance seed dispersal by wind. The American naturalist. 2005 Sep;166(3):368u201381.
- Hsieh CI, Kiely G, Birkby A, Katul G. Photosynthetic responses of a humid grassland ecosystem to future climate perturbations. Advances in Water Resources. 2005 Sep 1;28(9):910u20136.
- Angelini C, Cava D, Katul G, Vidakovic B. Resampling hierarchical processes in the wavelet domain: A case study using atmospheric turbulence. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2005 Jul 15;207(1u20132):24u201340.
- Nathan R, Katul GG. Foliage shedding in deciduous forests lifts up long-distance seed dispersal by wind. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2005 Jun;102(23):8251u20136.
- Schiffman SS, McLaughlin B, Katul GG, Nagle HT. Eulerian-Lagrangian model for predicting odor dispersion using instrumental and human measurements. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 2005 Apr 29;106(1 SPEC. ISS.):122u20137.
- Nathan R, Sapir N, Trakhtenbrot A, Katul GG, Bohrer G, Otte M, et al. Long-distance biological transport processes through the air: Can nature's complexity be unfolded in silico? Diversity and Distributions. 2005 Mar 1;11(2):131u20137.
- Palmroth S, Maier CA, McCarthy HR, Oishi AC, Kim HS, Johnsen K, et al. Contrasting responses to drought of forest floor CO2 efflux in a loblolly pine plantation anda nearby oak-hickory forest. Global Change Biology. 2005;(11):421u201334.
- Mortazavi B, Chanton JP, Prater JL, Oishi AC, Oren R, Katul G. Temporal variability in (13)C of respired CO(2) in a pine and a hardwood forest subject to similar climatic conditions. Oecologia. 2005 Jan;142(1):57u201369.
- Shi B, Vidakovic B, Katul GG, Albertson JD. Assessing the effects of atmospheric stability on the fine structure of surface layer turbulence using local and global multiscale approaches. Physics of Fluids. 2005 Jan 1;17(5):1u201312.
- Stoy PC, Katul GG, Siqueira MBS, Juang JY, McCarthy HR, Kim HS, et al. Variability in net ecosystem exchange from hourly to inter-annual time scales at adjacent pine and hardwood forests: a wavelet analysis. TREE PHYSIOLOGY. 2005;25(7):887u2013902.
- Kumagai T, Katul GG, Porporato A, Saitoh TM, Ohashi M, Ichie T, et al. Carbon and water cycling in a Bornean tropical rainforest under current and future climate scenarios. Advances in Water Resources. 2004 Dec 1;27(12):1135u201350.
- Katul GG, Mahrt L, Poggi D, Sanz C. One- and two-equation models for canopy turbulence. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2004 Oct 1;113(1):81u2013109.
- Cava D, Giostra U, Siqueira M, Katul G. Organised motion and radiative perturbations in the nocturnal canopy sublayer above an even-aged pine forest. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2004 Jul 1;112(1):129u201357.
- Poggi D, Porporato A, Ridolfi L, Albertson JD, Katul GG. The effect of vegetation density on canopy sub-layer turbulence. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2004 Jun 1;111(3):565u201387.
- Poggi D, Katul GG, Albertson JD. Momentum transfer and turbulent kinetic energy budgets within a dense model canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2004 Jun 1;111(3):589u2013614.
- Suwa M, Katul GG, Oren R, Andrews J, Pippen J, Mace A, et al. Impact of elevated atmospheric CO
2 on forest floor respiration in a temperate pine forest. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2004 Jun 1;18(2). - Poggi D, Katul GG, Albertson JD. A note on the contribution of dispersive fluxes to momentum transfer within canopies. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2004 Jun 1;111(3):615u201321.
- Poggi D, Porporato A, Ridolfi L, Albertson JD, Katul GG. Interaction between large and small scales in the canopy sublayer. Geophysical Research Letters. 2004 Mar 16;31(5).
- Kumagai T, Katul GG, Saitoh TM, Sato Y, Manfroi OJ, Morooka T, et al. Water cycling in a Bornean tropical rain forest under current and projected precipitation scenarios. Water Resources Research. 2004 Jan 1;40(1).
- Novick KA, Stoy PC, Katul GG, Ellsworth DS, Siqueira MBS, Juang J, et al. Carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange in a warm temperate grassland. Oecologia. 2004 Jan;138(2):259u201374.
- Soons MB, Nathan R, Katul GG. Human effects on long-distance wind dispersal and colonization by grassland plants. Ecology. 2004 Jan 1;85(11):3069u201379.
- Soons MB, Heil GW, Nathan R, Katul GG. Determinants of long-distance seed dispersal by wind in grasslands. Ecology. 2004 Jan 1;85(11):3056u201368.
- Hui D, Wan S, Su B, Katul G, Monson R, Luo Y. Gap-filling missing data in eddy covariance measurements using multiple imputation (MI) for annual estimations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2004 Jan;121(1u20132):93u2013111.
- Wilson KB, Baldocchi D, Falge E, Aubinet M, Berbigier P, Bernhofer C, et al. Diurnal centroid of ecosystem energy and carbon fluxes at FLUXNET sites. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2003 Nov 16;108(21).
- Hsieh CI, Siqueira M, Katul G, Chu CR. Predicting scalar source-sink and flux distributions within a forest canopy using a 2-D Lagrangian stochastic dispersion model. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2003 Nov 1;109(2):113u201338.
- Schu00e4fer KVR, Oren R, Ellsworth DS, Lai CT, Herrick JD, Finzi AC, et al. Exposure to an enriched CO
2 atmosphere alters carbon assimilation and allocation in a pine forest ecosystem. Global Change Biology. 2003 Oct 1;9(10):1378u2013400. - Butnor JR, Johnsen KH, Oren R, Katul GG. Reduction of forest floor respiration by fertilization on both carbon dioxide-enriched and reference 17-year-old loblolly pine stands. Global Change Biology. 2003 Jun 1;9(6):849u201361.
- Hui D, Luo Y, Katul G. Partitioning interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange between climatic variability and functional change. Tree physiology. 2003 May;23(7):433u201342.
- Siqueira M, Leuning R, Kolle O, Kelliher FM, Katul GG. Modelling sources and sinks of CO
2 , H2 O and heat within a Siberian pine forest using three inverse methods. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2003 Apr 1;129(590 PART A):1373u201393. - Wesson KH, Katul GG, Siqueira M. Quantifying organization of atmospheric turbulent eddy motion using nonlinear time series analysis. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2003 Mar 1;106(3):507u201325.
- Katul G, Leuning R, Oren R. Relationship between plant hydraulic and biochemical properties derived from a steady-state coupled water and carbon transport model. Plant, Cell and Environment. 2003 Mar 1;26(3):339u201350.
- Katul GG, Angelini C, De Canditiis D, Amato U, Vidakovic B, Albertson JD. Are the effects of large scale flow conditions really lost through the turbulent cascade? Geophysical Research Letters. 2003 Feb 15;30(4).
- Falge E, Tenhunen J, Baldocchi D, Aubinet M, Bakwin P, Berbigier P, et al. Phase and amplitude of ecosystem carbon release and uptake potentials as derived from FLUXNET measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2002 Dec 2;113(1u20134):75u201395.
- Law BE, Falge E, Gu L, Baldocchi DD, Bakwin P, Berbigier P, et al. Environmental controls over carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange of terrestrial vegetation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2002 Dec 2;113(1u20134):97u2013120.
- Falge E, Baldocchi D, Tenhunen J, Aubinet M, Bakwin P, Berbigier P, et al. Seasonality of ecosystem respiration and gross primary production as derived from FLUXNET measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2002 Dec 2;113(1u20134):53u201374.
- Wilson KB, Baldocchi DD, Aubinet M, Berbigier P, Bernhofer C, Dolman H, et al. Energy partitioning between latent and sensible heat flux during the warm season at FLUXNET sites. Water Resources Research. 2002 Dec 1;38(12):301u20133011.
- Katul G, Wiberg P, Albertson J, Hornberger G. A mixing layer theory for flow resistance in shallow streams. Water Resources Research. 2002 Nov 1;38(11):32-1-32u20138.
- Schafer KVR, Oren R, Lai CT, Katul GG. Hydrologic balance in an intact temperate forest ecosystem under ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration. Global Change Biology. 2002 Sep;8(9):895u2013911.
- Siqueira M, Katul G, Lai CT. Quantifying net ecosystem exchange by multilevel ecophysiological and turbulent transport models. Advances in Water Resources. 2002 Aug 1;25(8u201312):1357u201366.
- Katul G, Siqueira M. Modeling Heat, Water Vapor, and Carbon Dioxide Flux Distribution Inside Canopies Using Turbulent Transport Theories. Vadose Zone Journal. 2002 Aug;1(1):58u201367.
- Nathan R, Katul GG, Horn HS, Thomas SM, Oren R, Avissar R, et al. Mechanisms of long-distance dispersal of seeds by wind. Nature. 2002 Jul;418(6896):409u201313.
- Siqueira M, Katul G. Estimating heat sources and fluxes in thermally stratified canopy flows using higher-order closure models. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2002 Apr 1;103(1):125u201342.
- Lai CT, Katul G, Butnor J, Ellsworth D, Oren R. Modelling night-time ecosystem respiration by a constrained source optimization method. Global Change Biology. 2002 Feb;8(2):124u201341.
- Lai CT, Katul G, Butnor J, Siqueira M, Ellsworth D, Maier C, et al. Modelling the limits on the response of net carbon exchange to fertilization in a south-eastern pine forest. Plant, Cell and Environment. 2002 Jan 1;25(9):1095u2013120.
- Katul G, Siqueira M. Modeling heat, water vapor, and carbon dioxide flux distribution inside canopies using turbulent transport theories. Vadose Zone Journal. 2002 Jan 1;1(1):58u201367.
- Albertson JD, Katul GG, Wiberg P. Relative importance of local and regional controls on coupled water, carbon, and energy fluxes. Advances in Water Resources. 2001 Nov 1;24(9u201310):1103u201318.
- Szilagyi J, Katul GG, Parlange MB. Evapotranspiration intensifies over the conterminous United States. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 2001 Nov 1;127(6):354u201362.
- Katul G, Lai CT, Schu00e4fer K, Vidakovic B, Albertson J, Ellsworth D, et al. Multiscale analysis of vegetation surface fluxes: From seconds to years. Advances in Water Resources. 2001 Nov 1;24(9u201310):1119u201332.
- Wesson KH, Katul G, Lai CT. Sensible heat flux estimation by flux variance and half-order time derivative methods. Water Resources Research. 2001 Sep 12;37(9):2333u201343.
- Oren R, Ellsworth DS, Johnsen KH, Phillips N, Ewers BE, Maier C, et al. Soil fertility limits carbon sequestration by forest ecosystems in a CO2-enriched atmosphere. Nature. 2001 May;411(6836):469u201372.
- Johnsen KH, Wear D, Oren R, Teskey RO, Sanchez F, Will R, et al. Meeting Global Policy Commitments: Carbon Sequestration and Southern Pine Forests. Journal of Forestry. 2001 Apr 1;99(4):14u201321.
- Johnsen KH, Wear D, Oren R, Teskey RO, Sanchez F, Will R, et al. Carbon sequestration and southern pine forests. JOURNAL OF FORESTRY. 2001 Apr 1;99(4):14u201321.
- Falge E, Baldocchi D, Olson R, Anthoni P, Aubinet M, Bernhofer C, et al. Short communication: Gap filling strategies for long term energy flux data sets. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2001 Mar 1;107(1):71u20137.
- Falge E, Baldocchi D, Olson R, Anthoni P, Aubinet M, Bernhofer C, et al. Gap filling strategies for defensible annual sums of net ecosystem exchange. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2001 Mar 1;107(1):43u201369.
- Naumburg E, Ellsworth DS, Katul GG. Modeling dynamic understory photosynthesis of contrasting species in ambient and elevated carbon dioxide. Oecologia. 2001 Feb;126(4):487u201399.
- Katul GG, Lai CT, Albertson JD, Vidakovic B, Schu00e4fer KVR, Hsieh CI, et al. Quantifying the complexity in mapping energy inputs and hydrologic state variables into land-surface fluxes. Geophysical Research Letters. 2001 Jan 1;28(17):3305u20137.
- Baldocchi D, Falge E, Gu L, Olson R, Hollinger D, Running S, et al. FLUXNET: A New Tool to Study the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Ecosystem-Scale Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, and Energy Flux Densities. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2001 Jan 1;82(11):2415u201334.
- Johnsen KH, Wear D, Oren R, Teskey RO, Sanchez F, Will R, et al. Carbon sequestration and southern pine forests (vol 99, pg 14, 2001). JOURNAL OF FORESTRY. 2001;99(6):56.
- Katul G, Vidakovic B, Albertson J. Estimating global and local scaling exponents in turbulent flows using discrete wavelet transformations. Physics of Fluids. 2001 Jan 1;13(1):241u201350.
- Katul GG, Leuning R, Kim J, Denmead OT, Miyata A, Harazono Y. Estimating CO
2 source/sink distributions within a rice canopy using higher-order closure models. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2001 Jan 1;98(1):103u201325. - Luo Y, Medlyn B, Hui D, Ellsworth D, Reynolds J, Katul G. Gross primary productivity in duke forest: Modeling synthesis of co
2 experiment and eddy-flux data. Ecological Applications. 2001 Jan 1;11(1):239u201352. - Siqueira M, Lai CT, Katul G. Estimating scalar sources, sinks, and fluxes in a forest canopy using Lagrangian, Eulerian, and hybrid inverse models. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2000 Dec 27;105(D24):29475u201388.
- Vidakovic BD, Katul GG, Albertson JD. Multiscale denoising of self-similar processes. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2000 Nov 27;105(D22):27049u201358.
- Lai CT, Katul G, Oren R, Ellsworth D, Schu00e4fer K. Modeling CO
2 and water vapor turbulent flux distributions within a forest canopy. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2000 Nov 16;105(D21):26333u201351. - Hsieh CI, Katul G, Chi TW. An approximate analytical model for footprint estimation of scalar fluxes in thermally stratified atmospheric flows. Advances in Water Resources. 2000 Jun 1;23(7):765u201372.
- Lai CT, Katul G. The dynamic role of root-water uptake in coupling potential to actual transpiration. Advances in Water Resources. 2000 Jan 11;23(4):427u201339.
- Lai CT, Katul G, Ellsworth D, Oren R. Modelling vegetation-atmosphere CO
2 exchange by a coupled Eulerian-Langrangian approach. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2000 Jan 1;95(1):91u2013122. - Katul GG, Ellsworth DS, Lai CT. Modelling assimilation and intercellular CO
2 from measured conductance: A synthesis of approaches. Plant, Cell and Environment. 2000 Jan 1;23(12):1313u201328. - Katul G, Hsieh CI, Bowling D, Clark K, Shurpali N, Turnipseed A, et al. Spatial variability of turbulent fluxes in the roughness sublayer of an even-aged pine forest. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1999 Dec 1;93(1):1u201328.
- Oren R, Sperry JS, Katul GG, Pataki DE, Ewers BE, Phillips N, et al. Survey and synthesis of intra- and interspecific variation in stomatal sensitivity to vapour pressure deficit. Plant, Cell and Environment. 1999 Dec 1;22(12):1515u201326.
- Parlange JY, Hogarth WL, Barry DA, Parlange MB, Haverkamp R, Ross PJ, et al. Analytical approximation to the solutions of Richards' equation with applications to infiltration, ponding, and time compression approximation. Advances in Water Resources. 1999 Oct 11;23(2):189u201394.
- Katul GG, Albertson JD. Modeling CO
2 sources, sinks, and fluxes within a forest canopy. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 1999 Mar 27;104(D6):6081u201391. - Szilagyi J, Parlange MB, Katul GG, Albertson JD. An objective method for determining principal time scales of coherent eddy structures using orthonormal wavelets. Advances in Water Resources. 1999 Feb 24;22(6):561u20136.
- Katul GG, Chang WH. Principal length scales in second-order closure models for canopy turbulence. Journal of Applied Meteorology. 1999 Jan 1;38(11):1631u201343.
- Katul GG, Hsieh CI. A note on the flux-variance similarity relationships for heat and water vapour in the unstable atmospheric surface layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1999 Jan 1;90(2):327u201338.
- Katul GG, Albertson JD. An investigation of higher-order closure models for a forested canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1998 Dec 1;89(1):47u201374.
- Oren R, Ewers BE, Todd P, Phillips N, Katul G. Water Balance Delineates the Soil Layer in Which Moisture Affects Canopy Conductance. Ecological Applications. 1998 Nov;8(4):990u2013990.
- Pataki DE, Oren R, Katul G, Sigmon J. Canopy conductance of Pinus taeda, Liquidambar styraciflua and Quercus phellos under varying atmospheric and soil water conditions. Tree physiology. 1998 May;18(5):307u201315.
- Katul G, Vidakovic B. Identification of low-dimensional energy containing / flux transporting eddy motion in the atmospheric surface layer using wavelet thresholding methods. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 1998 Feb 1;55(3):377u201389.
- Oren R, Ewers BE, Todd P, Phillips N, Katul G. Water balance delineates the soil layer in which moisture affects canopy conductance. Ecological Applications. 1998 Jan 1;8(4):990u20131002.
- Katul GG, Geron CD, Hsieh CI, Vidakovic B, Guenther AB. Active turbulence and scalar transport near the forest-atmosphere interface. Journal of Applied Meteorology. 1998 Jan 1;37(12):1533u201346.
- Katul GG, Schieldge J, Hsieh CI, Vidakovic B. Skin temperature perturbations induced by surface layer turbulence above a grass surface. Water Resources Research. 1998 Jan 1;34(5):1265u201374.
- Oren R, Phillips N, Katul G, Ewers BE, Pataki DE. Scaling xylem sap flux and soil water balance and calculating variance: A method for partitioning water flux in forests. Annales des Sciences Forestieres. 1998 Jan 1;55(1u20132):191u2013216.
- Albertson JD, Katul GG, Parlange MB, Eichinger WE. Spectral scaling of static pressure fluctuations in the atmospheric surface layer: The interaction between large and small scales. Physics of Fluids. 1998 Jan 1;10(7):1725u201332.
- Katul G, Chu CR. A theoretical and experimental investigation of energy-containing scales in the dynamic sublayer of boundary-layer flows. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1998 Jan 1;86(2):279u2013312.
- Tyler SW, Kranz S, Parlange MB, Albertson J, Katul GG, Cochran GF, et al. Estimation of groundwater evaporation and salt flux from Owens Lake, California, USA. Journal of Hydrology. 1997 Dec 15;200(1u20134):110u201335.
- Phillips N, Nagchaudhuri A, Oren R, Katul G. Time constant for water transport in loblolly pine trees estimated from time series of evaporative demand and stem sapflow. Trees - Structure and Function. 1997 Aug 1;11(7):412u20139.
- Hsieh CI, Katul GG. Dissipation methods, Taylor's hypothesis, and stability correction functions in the atmospheric surface layer. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 1997 Jul 27;102(14):16391u2013405.
- Katul G, Oren R, Ellsworth D, Hsieh CI, Phillips N, Lewin K. Lagrangian dispersion model for predicting CO
2 sources, sinks, and fluxes in a uniform loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stand. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 1997 Apr 27;102(8):9309u201321. - Katul G, Hsieh CI, Sigmon J. Energy-inertial scale interactions for velocity and temperature in the unstable atmospheric surface layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1997 Jan 1;82(1):49u201380.
- Katul G, Hsieh CI, Kuhn G, Ellsworth D, Nie D. Turbulent eddy motion at the forest-atmosphere interface. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 1997 Jan 1;102(D12):13409u201321.
- Katul G, Todd P, Pataki D, Kabala ZJ, Oren R. Soil water depletion by oak trees and the influence of root water uptake on the moisture content spatial statistics. Water Resources Research. 1997 Jan 1;33(4):611u201323.
- Katul G, Kuhn G, Schieldge J, Hsieh CI. The ejection-sweep character of scalar fluxes in the unstable surface layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1997 Jan 1;83(1):1u201326.
- Katul G, Hsieh CI. Estimation of surface heat and momentum fluxes using the flux-variance method above uniform and non-uniform terrain - Reply. BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY. 1997;84(3):503u20139.
- Hsieh CI, Katul GG, Schieldge J, Sigmon JT, Knoerr KK. The Lagrangian stochastic model for fetch and latent heat flux estimation above uniform and nonuniform terrain. Water Resources Research. 1997 Jan 1;33(3):427u201338.
- Katul G. The random sweeping decorrelation hypothesis in stratified turbulent flows. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 1996 Dec;22:110u20131.
- Katul GG, Albertson JD, Hsieh CI, Conklin PS, Sigmon JT, Parlance MB, et al. The "inactive" eddy motion and the large-scale turbulent pressure fluctuations in the dynamic sublayer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 1996 Sep 1;53(17):2512u201324.
- Hsieh CI, Katul GG, Schieldge J, Sigmon J, Knoerr KR. Estimation of momentum and heat fluxes using dissipation and flux- variance methods in the unstable surface layer. Water Resources Research. 1996 Aug 1;32(8):2453u201362.
- Chu CR, Parlange MB, Katul GG, Albertson JD. Probability density functions of turbulent velocity and temperature in the atmospheric surface layer. Water Resources Research. 1996 Jun 1;32(6):1681u20138.
- Katul GG, Finkelstein PL, Clarke JF, Ellestad TG. An investigation of the conditional sampling method used to estimate fluxes of active, reactive, and passive scalars. Journal of Applied Meteorology. 1996 Jan 1;35(10):1835u201345.
- Katul G, Vidakovic B. The partitioning of attached and detached eddy motion in the atmospheric surface layer using Lorentz wavelet filtering. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1996 Jan 1;77(2):153u201372.
- Szilagyi J, Katul GG, Parlange MB, Albertson JD, Cahill AT. The local effect of intermittency on the inertial subrange energy spectrum of the atmospheric surface layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1996 Jan 1;79(1u20132):35u201350.
- Katul G, Hsieh CI, Oren R, Ellsworth D, Phillips N. Latent and sensible heat flux predictions from a uniform pine forest using surface renewal and flux variance methods. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1996 Jan 1;80(3):249u201382.
- Katul GG, Parlange MB. The spatial structure of turbulence at production wavenumbers using orthonormal wavelets. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1995 Jul 1;75(1u20132):81u2013108.
- Katul G, Goltz SM, Hsieh CI, Cheng Y, Mowry F, Sigmon J. Estimation of surface heat and momentum fluxes using the flux-variance method above uniform and non-uniform terrain. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1995 May 1;74(3):237u201360.
- Katul G, Parlange M, Albertson J, Chu CR. The random sweeping decorrelation hypothesis in stratified turbulent flows. Fluid Dynamics Research. 1995 Jan 1;16(5):275u201395.
- Katul GG, Parlange MB. Analysis of Land Surface Heat Fluxes Using the Orthonormal Wavelet Approach. Water Resources Research. 1995 Jan 1;31(11):2743u20139.
- Albertson JD, Parlange MB, Katul GG, Chu C, Stricker H, Tyler S. Sensible Heat Flux From Arid Regions: A Simple Fluxu2010Variance Method. Water Resources Research. 1995 Jan 1;31(4):969u201373.
- Parlange MB, Katul GG. Watershed Scale Shear Stress From Tethersonde Wind Profile Measurements Under Near Neutral and Unstable Atmospheric Stability. Water Resources Research. 1995 Jan 1;31(4):961u20138.
- Katul GG, Chu CR, Parlange MB, Albertson JD, Ortenburger TA. Low-wavenumber spectral characteristics of velocity and temperature in the atmospheric surface layer. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1995 Jan 1;100(D7).
- Katul GG, Parlange MB, Albertson JD, Chu CR. Local isotropy and anisotropy in the sheared and heated atmospheric surface layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1995 Jan 1;72(1u20132):123u201348.
- Katul GG, Chu CR, Parlange MB, Albertson JD, Ortenburger TA. Low-wavenumber spectral characteristics of velocity and temperature in the atmospheric surface layer. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1995 Jan 1;100(D7).
- Katul GG, Chu CR, Parlange MB, Albertson JD, Ortenburger TA. Low-wavenumber spectral characteristics of velocity and temperature in the atmospheric surface layer. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1995;100(D7):14u2013255.
- Chu CR, Parlange M, Eichinger W, Katul G. Observations on the growth of an internal boundary layer with a Lidar technique. Proceedings of the Symposium on Fundamentals and Advancements in Hydraulic Measurements and Experimentation. 1994 Dec 1;519u201329.
- Katul GG. A model for sensible heat flux probability density function for near-neutral and slightly-stable atmospheric flows. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1994 Oct 1;71(1u20132):1u201320.
- Katul GG, Parlange MB. On the Active Role of Temperature in Surface-Layer Turbulence. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 1994 Aug;51(15):2181u201395.
- Katul G, Albertson J, Chu C, Parlange M, Stricker H, Tyler S. Sensible and latent heat flux predictions using conditional sampling methods. Water Resources Research. 1994 Jan 1;30(11):3053u20139.
- Katul GG, Albertson J, Parlange M, Chia-Ren Chu, Stricker H. Conditional sampling, bursting, and the intermittent structure of sensible heat flux. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1994 Jan 1;99(D11).
- Katul GG, Albertson JD, Chu CR, Parlange MB. Intermittency in Atmospheric Surface Layer Turbulence: The Orthonormal Wavelet Representation. 1994 Jan 1;4(C):81u2013105.
- Katul GG, Parlange MB, Chu CR. Intermittency, local isotropy, and non-Gaussian statistics in atmospheric surface layer turbulence. Physics of Fluids. 1994 Jan 1;6(7):2480u201392.
- Katul GG, Albertson J, Parlange M, Chu CR, Stricker H. Conditional sampling, bursting, and the intermittent structure of sensible heat flux. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1994;99(D11):22u2013876.
- Katul GG, Wendroth O, Parlange MB, Puente CE, Folegatti MV, Nielsen DR. Estimation of in situ hydraulic conductivity function from nonlinear filtering theory. Water Resources Research. 1993 Jan 1;29(4):1063u201370.
- Katul GG, Parlange MB. Determination of average field scale soil surface temperature from meteorological measurements. Soil Science. 1993 Jan 1;155(3):166u201374.
- Cuenca RH, Nuss JL, Martinez-Cob A, Katul GG, Faci-Gonzalez JM. Revision of Oregon crop water use and irrigation requirements. Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systemsu202f: Integrated Perspectives. 1993 Jan 1;1023u201330.
- Eichinger WE, Cooper DI, Parlange M, Katul G. Application of a scanning, water Raman-Lidar as a probe of the atmospheric boundary layer. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 1993;31(1):70u20139.
- Parlance MB, Katul GG, Folegatti MV, Nielsen DR. Evaporation and the field scale soil water diffusivity function. Water Resources Research. 1993 Jan 1;29(4):1279u201386.
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In The News
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