Media Hits

6/8/22 SustainabilityNext

A New Paradigm for the Water and Sanitation Crisis

Clean-tech has enormous potential to shift the waste management paradigm from treatment and disposal to resource recovery and pollutant elimination, writes Duke Engineering's Marc Deshusses.

6/2/22 Communicating with FINESSE

Translational Engineering: Academics and Careers

The civil engineer who is part of efforts to integrate ethics training into Duke's engineering curriculum writes that entrepreneurial engineering introduces the student to the marketplace. It makes the engineering student think outside of the typical physics comfort zone. Whether the engineering student realizes it, the marketplace is an important context, since engineers often do all the hard work and provide the intellectual firepower for a design.

3/22/22 PBS North Carolina

Why flush toilets are wasteful | Sci NC

Modern flush toilets waste a gallon and a half of treated, potable water every time you flush. The Duke Center for WaSH-AID is working on ways to get rid of waste more efficiently.