Heileen Hsu-Kim

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Director of Graduate Studies, Professor in the Department of CEE

Heileen Hsu-Kim Profile Photo
Heileen Hsu-Kim Profile Photo

Research Themes

Environmental Health Engineering

Research Interests

Aquatic chemistry and geochemistry, trace element environmental chemistry, nanogeoscience, mercury biogeochemistry, water-particle surface processes.


Professor Heileen (Helen) Hsu-Kim is an environmental engineer who specializes in environmental aquatic chemistry and geochemistry. Her research tackles problems related to pollutant metals and the biogeochemical processes that alter their distribution in water, soil, and air. The applications of this work include environmental remediation technologies, the impacts of energy production on water resources, global environmental health, and the environmental implications and applications of nanotechnology.

Dr. Hsu-Kim's current research projects are focused on mercury biogeochemistry, the impacts of coal ash disposal on water quality, recovering valuable materials from geological wastes, and health impacts of trace metal/metalloid exposures. A central theme to her work is the utilization of chemical speciation for understanding and predicting the persistence, mobility and bioavailability of metals and minerals in the aquatic environment.

The methodologies her group employs for this research include laboratory techniques for quantifying trace element speciation, functional measures of reactivity and bioavailability of contaminant metals, and techniques to probe interactions at mineral, water and microbial interfaces.


  • B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998
  • M.S. University of California, Berkeley, 1999
  • Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 2004


  • Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Professor of Environmental Sciences and Policy

Awards, Honors, and Distinctions

  • Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers. President of the United States of America. 2011

Courses Taught

  • ENVIRON 899: Master's Project
  • ENVIRON 666: Aquatic Geochemistry
  • ENVIRON 542L: Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
  • ENERGY 796T: Bass Connections Energy & Environment Research Team
  • ENERGY 795T: Bass Connections Energy & Environment Research Team
  • ENERGY 396T: Bass Connections Energy & Environment Research Team
  • ENERGY 395T: Bass Connections Energy & Environment Research Team
  • CEE 890: Advanced Topics in Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • CEE 692: Independent Study: Advanced Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • CEE 691: Independent Study: Advanced Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • CEE 666: Aquatic Geochemistry
  • CEE 561L: Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
  • CEE 494: Research Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • CEE 493: Research Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • CEE 461L: Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
  • CEE 394: Research Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • CEE 393: Research Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering


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