Heileen Hsu-Kim
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Director of Graduate Studies, Professor in the Department of CEE

Research Themes
Environmental Health Engineering
Research Interests
Aquatic chemistry and geochemistry, trace element environmental chemistry, nanogeoscience, mercury biogeochemistry, water-particle surface processes.
Professor Heileen (Helen) Hsu-Kim is an environmental engineer who specializes in environmental aquatic chemistry and geochemistry. Her research tackles problems related to pollutant metals and the biogeochemical processes that alter their distribution in water, soil, and air. The applications of this work include environmental remediation technologies, the impacts of energy production on water resources, global environmental health, and the environmental implications and applications of nanotechnology.
Dr. Hsu-Kim's current research projects are focused on mercury biogeochemistry, the impacts of coal ash disposal on water quality, recovering valuable materials from geological wastes, and health impacts of trace metal/metalloid exposures. A central theme to her work is the utilization of chemical speciation for understanding and predicting the persistence, mobility and bioavailability of metals and minerals in the aquatic environment.
The methodologies her group employs for this research include laboratory techniques for quantifying trace element speciation, functional measures of reactivity and bioavailability of contaminant metals, and techniques to probe interactions at mineral, water and microbial interfaces.
- B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998
- M.S. University of California, Berkeley, 1999
- Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 2004
- Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Professor of Environmental Sciences and Policy
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers. President of the United States of America. 2011
Courses Taught
- ENVIRON 899: Master's Project
- ENVIRON 666: Aquatic Geochemistry
- ENVIRON 542L: Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
- ENERGY 796T: Bass Connections Energy & Environment Research Team
- ENERGY 795T: Bass Connections Energy & Environment Research Team
- ENERGY 396T: Bass Connections Energy & Environment Research Team
- ENERGY 395T: Bass Connections Energy & Environment Research Team
- CEE 890: Advanced Topics in Civil & Environmental Engineering
- CEE 692: Independent Study: Advanced Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE 691: Independent Study: Advanced Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE 666: Aquatic Geochemistry
- CEE 561L: Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
- CEE 494: Research Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE 493: Research Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE 461L: Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
- CEE 394: Research Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE 393: Research Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Jin Z, Huang J, Hower JC, Hsu-Kim H. Predictive Assessment of the Chemical Composition of Coal Ash in Reserve at U.S. Disposal Sites. Environmental science & technology. 2025 Mar;
- Miller JD, Herkert NJ, Stapleton HM, Hsu-Kim H. Silicone wristbands for assessing personal chemical exposures: impacts of movement on chemical uptake rates. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2025 Feb;
- Marchese MJ, Gerson JR, Berky AJ, Driscoll C, Fernandez LE, Hsu-Kim H, et al. Diet choices determine mercury exposure risks for people living in gold mining regions of Peru. Environmental Research: Health. 2024 Sep 1;2(3):035001u2013035001.
- Dai Y, Zhou Z, Yu W, Ma Y, Kim K, Rivera N, et al. Biomolecular condensates regulate cellular electrochemical equilibria. Cell. 2024 Sep;S0092-8674(24)00909-7.
- Middleton A, Hedin BC, Hsu-Kim H. Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Acid Mine Drainage with Supported Liquid Membranes: Impacts of Feedstock Composition for Extraction Performance. Environmental science & technology. 2024 Feb;58(6):2998u20133006.
- Wadle A, Neal-Walthall N, Ndu U, Hsu-Kim H. Distribution and Homogenization of Multiple Mercury Species Inputs to Freshwater Wetland Mesocosms. Environmental science & technology. 2024 Jan;58(3):1709u201320.
- Hower JC, Kolker A, Hsu-Kim H, Plata DL. Rare Earth Elements in Coal Fly Ash and their Potential Recovery. In: Rare Earth Elements: Sustainable Recovery, Processing, and Purification. 2024. p. 27u201373.
- Lalwani P, King DE, Morton KS, Rivera NA, Huayta J, Hsu-Kim H, et al. Increased cytotoxicity of Pb2+ with co-exposures to a mitochondrial uncoupler and mitochondrial calcium uniporter inhibitor. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2023 Nov;25(11):1743u201351.
- Berky AJ, Weinhouse C, Vissoci J, Rivera N, Ortiz EJ, Navio S, et al. <i>In Utero</i> Exposure to Metals and Birth Outcomes in an Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Birth Cohort in Madre de Dios, Peru. Environmental health perspectives. 2023 Sep;131(9):97008.
- Middleton A, Hsu-Kim H. Separation of Rare-Earth Elements by Supported Liquid Membranes: Impacts of Soluble Iron, Aluminum, and pH in Low-Grade Feedstocks. ACS ES and T Engineering. 2023 Aug 11;3(8):1197u2013204.
- Koenigsmark F, Rivera NA, Pierce EM, Hsu-Kim H. Dissolution Potential of Elemental Mercury in the Presence of Bisulfide and Implications for Mobilization. Environmental science & technology. 2023 Aug;57(33):12388u201397.
- Rivera NA, Ling FT, Jin Z, Pattammattel A, Yan H, Chu YS, et al. Nanoscale heterogeneity of arsenic and selenium species in coal fly ash particles: analysis using enhanced spectroscopic imaging and speciation techniques. Environmental science Nano. 2023 Jul;10(7):1768u201377.
- Jin Z, Ren J, Rivera NA, Hower JC, Hsu-Kim H. Functional Predictor Variables for the Leaching Potential of Arsenic and Selenium from Coal Fly Ash. ACS ES and T Water. 2023 Apr 14;3(4):1105u201315.
- Koenigsmark F, Chiu M, Rivera N, Johs A, Eskelsen J, Leonard D, et al. Crystal lattice defects in nanocrystalline metacinnabar in contaminated streambank soils suggest a role for biogenic sulfides in the formation of mercury sulfide phases. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2023 Mar;25(3):445u201360.
- Hower JC, Groppo JG, Hopps SD, Morgan TD, Hsu-Kim H, Taggart RK. Coal Feed-Dependent Variation in Fly Ash Chemistry in a Single Pulverized-Combustion Unit. Minerals. 2022 Sep 1;12(9).
- Berky AJ, Robie E, Navio Chipa S, Ortiz EJ, Palmer EJ, Rivera NA, et al. Risk of lead exposure from wild game consumption from cross-sectional studies in Madre de Dios, Peru. Lancet regional health Americas. 2022 Aug;12:100266.
- Kose-Mutlu B, Hsu-Kim H, Wiesner MR. Separation of rare earth elements from mixed-metal feedstocks by micelle enhanced ultrafiltration with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Environmental technology. 2022 Mar;43(7):1013u201325.
- Kessler ML, Kelm JE, Starr HE, Cook EN, Miller JD, Rivera NA, et al. Unraveling Changes to PbS Nanocrystal Surfaces Induced by Thiols. Chemistry of Materials. 2022 Feb 22;34(4):1710u201321.
- Neal-Walthall N, Ndu U, Rivera NA, Elias DA, Hsu-Kim H. Utility of Diffusive Gradient in Thin-Film Passive Samplers for Predicting Mercury Methylation Potential and Bioaccumulation in Freshwater Wetlands. Environmental science & technology. 2022 Feb;56(3):1743u201352.
- Mello DF, Maurer LL, Ryde IT, Songr DH, Marinakos SM, Jiang C, et al. In Vivo Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Development, Behavior, and Mitochondrial Function are Altered by Genetic Defects in Mitochondrial Dynamics. Environmental science & technology. 2022 Jan;56(2):1113u201324.
- Gerson JR, Szponar N, Zambrano AA, Bergquist B, Broadbent E, Driscoll CT, et al. Amazon forests capture high levels of atmospheric mercury pollution from artisanal gold mining. Nature communications. 2022 Jan;13(1):559.
- Koenigsmark F, Weinhouse C, Berky AJ, Morales AM, Ortiz EJ, Pierce EM, et al. Efficacy of Hair Total Mercury Content as a Biomarker of Methylmercury Exposure to Communities in the Area of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Madre de Dios, Peru. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2021 Dec;18(24):13350.
- Hower JC, Groppo JG, Hsu-Kim H, Taggart RK. Signatures of rare earth element distributions in fly ash derived from the combustion of Central Appalachian, Illinois, and Powder River basin coals. Fuel. 2021 Oct 1;301.
- Wang L, Mello DF, Zucker RM, Rivera NA, Rogers NMK, Geitner NK, et al. Lack of Detectable Direct Effects of Silver and Silver Nanoparticles on Mitochondria in Mouse Hepatocytes. Environmental science & technology. 2021 Aug;55(16):11166u201375.
- McMillan HM, Rogers N, Wadle A, Hsu-Kim H, Wiesner MR, Kuehn MJ, et al. Microbial vesicle-mediated communication: convergence to understand interactions within and between domains of life. Environ Sci Process Impacts. 2021 May 26;23(5):664u201377.
- Dong Z, Deblonde G, Middleton A, Hu D, Dohnalkova A, Kovarik L, et al. Microbe-Encapsulated Silica Gel Biosorbents for Selective Extraction of Scandium from Coal Byproducts. Environmental science & technology. 2021 May;55(9):6320u20138.
- Hower JC, Groppo JG, Hsu-Kim H, Taggart RK. Distribution of rare earth elements in fly ash derived from the combustion of Illinois Basin coals. Fuel. 2021 Apr 1;289.
- Weinhouse C, Gallis JA, Ortiz E, Berky AJ, Morales AM, Diringer SE, et al. A population-based mercury exposure assessment near an artisanal and small-scale gold mining site in the Peruvian Amazon. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology. 2021 Feb;31(1):126u201336.
- Pan WK, Weinhouse C, Ortiz EJ, Berky AJ, Fixsen E, Mallipudi A, et al. CoNaMad-Cohorte de Nacimiento de Madre de Dios/Madre de Dios Birth Cohort to Study Effects of in-utero Trace Metals Exposure in the Southern Peruvian Amazon. Ann Glob Health. 2021;87(1):69.
- Alipanah M, Park DM, Middleton A, Dong Z, Hsu-Kim H, Jiao Y, et al. Techno-Economic and Life Cycle Assessments for Sustainable Rare Earth Recovery from Coal Byproducts using Biosorption. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 2020 Dec 14;8(49):17914u201322.
- Hsu-Kim H, Plata D, Hower J, Hendren Z, Wiesner M. Novel Membrane and Electrodeposition-Based Separation and Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Combustion Residues (Final Report). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI); 2020 Aug.
- Gerson JR, Naslund LC, Liu Y-T, Hsu-Kim H, Driscoll CT, Ross MRV, et al. Mercury and selenium loading in mountaintop mining impacted alkaline streams and riparian food webs. Biogeochemistry. 2020 Aug;150(1):109u201322.
- Berky AJ, Robie E, Ortiz EJ, Meyer JN, Hsu-Kim H, Pan WK. Evaluation of Peruvian Government Interventions to Reduce Childhood Anemia. Annals of global health. 2020 Aug;86(1):98.
- Middleton A, Park DM, Jiao Y, Hsu-Kim H. Major element composition controls rare earth element solubility during leaching of coal fly ash and coal by-products. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2020 Jul 1;227.
- Park D, Middleton A, Smith R, Deblonde G, Laudal D, Theaker N, et al. A biosorption-based approach for selective extraction of rare earth elements from coal byproducts. Separation and Purification Technology. 2020 Jun 15;241.
- Reuben A, Frischtak H, Berky A, Ortiz EJ, Morales AM, Hsu-Kim H, et al. Elevated Hair Mercury Levels Are Associated With Neurodevelopmental Deficits in Children Living Near Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Peru. GeoHealth. 2020 May;4(5):e2019GH000222.
- Diana Z, Sawickij N, Rivera NA, Hsu-Kim H, Rittschof D. Plastic pellets trigger feeding responses in sea anemones. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2020 May;222:105447.
- Wang Z, Coyte RM, Dwyer GS, Ruhl LS, Hsu-Kim H, Hower JC, et al. Distinction of strontium isotope ratios between water-soluble and bulk coal fly ash from the United States. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2020 Apr 1;222.
- Feingold BJ, Berky A, Hsu-Kim H, Rojas Jurado E, Pan WK. Population-based dietary exposure to mercury through fish consumption in the Southern Peruvian Amazon. Environmental research. 2020 Apr;183:108720.
- Avellan A, Simonin M, Anderson SM, Geitner NK, Bossa N, Spielman-Sun E, et al. Differential Reactivity of Copper- and Gold-Based Nanomaterials Controls Their Seasonal Biogeochemical Cycling and Fate in a Freshwater Wetland Mesocosm. Environmental science & technology. 2020 Feb;54(3):1533u201344.
- Diringer SE, Berky AJ, Marani M, Ortiz EJ, Karatum O, Plata DL, et al. Deforestation Due to Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Exacerbates Soil and Mercury Mobilization in Madre de Dios, Peru. Environmental science & technology. 2020 Jan;54(1):286u201396.
- Mello DF, Trevisan R, Rivera N, Geitner NK, Di Giulio RT, Wiesner MR, et al. Caveats to the use of MTT, neutral red, Hoechst and Resazurin to measure silver nanoparticle cytotoxicity. Chemico-biological interactions. 2020 Jan;315:108868.
- Volkoff SJ, Osterberg JS, Jayasundara N, Cooper E, Hsu-Kim H, Rogers L, et al. Embryonic Fundulus heteroclitus responses to sediment extracts from differentially contaminated sites in the Elizabeth River, VA. Ecotoxicology (London, England). 2019 Nov;28(9):1126u201335.
- Redfern LK, Gardner CM, Hodzic E, Ferguson PL, Hsu-Kim H, Gunsch CK. A new framework for approaching precision bioremediation of PAH contaminated soils. Journal of hazardous materials. 2019 Oct;378:120859.
- Rivera NA, Bippus PM, Hsu-Kim H. Relative Reactivity and Bioavailability of Mercury Sorbed to or Coprecipitated with Aged Iron Sulfides. Environmental science & technology. 2019 Jul;53(13):7391u20139.
- Smith RC, Taggart RK, Hower JC, Wiesner MR, Hsu-Kim H. Selective Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Fly Ash Leachates Using Liquid Membrane Processes. Environmental science & technology. 2019 Apr;53(8):4490u20139.
- Hower JC, Qian D, Briot NJ, Santillan-Jimenez E, Hood MM, Taggart RK, et al. Nano-scale rare earth distribution in fly ash derived from the combustion of the fire clay coal, kentucky. Minerals. 2019 Apr 1;9(4).
- Hsu-Kim H, Diringer S, Weinhouse C, Berky A, Marani M, Ortiz E, et al. Mobilization, methylation and exposure of mercury from artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Madre de Dios, Peru. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2019.
- Berky AJ, Ryde IT, Feingold B, Ortiz EJ, Wyatt LH, Weinhouse C, et al. Predictors of mitochondrial DNA copy number and damage in a mercury-exposed rural Peruvian population near artisanal and small-scale gold mining: An exploratory study. Environmental and molecular mutagenesis. 2019 Mar;60(2):197u2013210.
- Wyatt L, Permar SR, Ortiz E, Berky A, Woods CW, Amouou GF, et al. Mercury Exposure and Poor Nutritional Status Reduce Response to Six Expanded Program on Immunization Vaccines in Children: An Observational Cohort Study of Communities Affected by Gold Mining in the Peruvian Amazon. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Feb 21;16(4).
- Zhang T, Lowry GV, Capiro NL, Chen J, Chen W, Chen Y, et al. In situ remediation of subsurface contamination: Opportunities and challenges for nanotechnology and advanced materials. Environmental Science: Nano. 2019 Jan 1;6(5):1283u2013302.
- Hsu-Kim H, Smith R, Taggart R, King J, Wiesner M, Hower J. Recovery of rare earth elements from coal fly ash leachates by supported liquid membranes. In: 36th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference: Clean Coal-Based Energy/Fuels and the Environment, PCC 2019. 2019.
- Kose Mutlu B, Cantoni B, Turolla A, Antonelli M, Hsu-Kim H, Wiesner MR. Application of nanofiltration for Rare Earth Elements recovery from coal fly ash leachate: Performance and cost evaluation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018 Oct 1;349:309u201317.
- Taggart RK, Rivera NA, Levard C, Ambrosi J-P, Borschneck D, Hower JC, et al. Differences in bulk and microscale yttrium speciation in coal combustion fly ash. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2018 Oct;20(10):1390u2013403.
- Geitner NK, Cooper JL, Avellan A, Castellon BT, Perrotta BG, Bossa N, et al. Size-Based Differential Transport, Uptake, and Mass Distribution of Ceria (CeO2) Nanoparticles in Wetland Mesocosms. Environmental science & technology. 2018 Sep;52(17):9768u201376.
- Chen CY, Driscoll CT, Eagles-Smith CA, Eckley CS, Gay DA, Hsu-Kim H, et al. A Critical Time for Mercury Science to Inform Global Policy. Environmental science & technology. 2018 Sep;52(17):9556u201361.
- Hsu-Kim H, Smith R, Taggart R, Wiesner MR, Hower J. Recovery of rare earth elements from coal combustion residuals. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2018.
- Ndu U, Christensen GA, Rivera NA, Gionfriddo CM, Deshusses MA, Elias DA, et al. Quantification of Mercury Bioavailability for Methylation Using Diffusive Gradient in Thin-Film Samplers. Environmental science & technology. 2018 Aug;52(15):8521u20139.
- Taggart RK, Hower JC, Hsu-Kim H. Effects of roasting additives and leaching parameters on the extraction of rare earth elements from coal fly ash. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2018 Aug 1;196:106u201314.
- King JF, Taggart RK, Smith RC, Hower JC, Hsu-Kim H. Aqueous acid and alkaline extraction of rare earth elements from coal combustion ash. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2018 Jul 1;195:75u201383.
- Schwartz GE, Hower JC, Phillips AL, Rivera N, Vengosh A, Hsu-Kim H. Ranking Coal Ash Materials for Their Potential to Leach Arsenic and Selenium: Relative Importance of Ash Chemistry and Site Biogeochemistry. Environmental engineering science. 2018 Jul;35(7):728u201338.
- Hsu-Kim H, Plata D, Hower J, Hendren Z, Wiesner M. Novel Membrane and Electrodeposition-Based Separation and Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Combustion Residues (Final Report). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI); 2018 Jun.
- Hsu-Kim H, Eckley CS, Selin NE. Modern science of a legacy problem: mercury biogeochemical research after the Minamata Convention. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2018 Apr;20(4):582u20133.
- Smith R, Hsu-Kim H, Wiesner M. Comparison of liquid membranes for selectivity of rare earth elements from coal ash leachates. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2018.
- Hsu-Kim H, Ndu U, Christensen G, Elias D. Quantification of mercury biomethylation potential in sediments. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2018.
- Hower JC, Qian D, Briot NJ, Henke KR, Hood MM, Taggart RK, et al. Rare earth element associations in the Kentucky State University stoker ash. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2018 Mar 15;189:75u201382.
- Hsu-Kim H, Eckley CS, Achu00e1 D, Feng X, Gilmour CC, Jonsson S, et al. Challenges and opportunities for managing aquatic mercury pollution in altered landscapes. Ambio. 2018 Mar;47(2):141u201369.
- Avellan A, Stegemeier JP, Gai K, Dale J, Hsu-Kim H, Levard C, et al. Speciation of Mercury in Selected Areas of the Petroleum Value Chain. Environmental science & technology. 2018 Feb;52(3):1655u201364.
- Gerson JR, Driscoll CT, Hsu-Kim H, Bernhardt ES. Senegalese artisanal gold mining leads to elevated total mercury and methylmercury concentrations in soils, sediments, and rivers. Elementa. 2018 Jan 1;6.
- Lefu00e8vre E, Bossa N, Gardner CM, Gehrke GE, Cooper EM, Stapleton HM, et al. Biochar and activated carbon act as promising amendments for promoting the microbial debromination of tetrabromobisphenol A. Water research. 2018 Jan;128:102u201310.
- Wyatt L, Ortiz EJ, Feingold B, Berky A, Diringer S, Morales AM, et al. Spatial, Temporal, and Dietary Variables Associated with Elevated Mercury Exposure in Peruvian Riverine Communities Upstream and Downstream of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2017 Dec;14(12):E1582.
- Weinhouse C, Ortiz EJ, Berky AJ, Bullins P, Hare-Grogg J, Rogers L, et al. Hair Mercury Level is Associated with Anemia and Micronutrient Status in Children Living Near Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Peruvian Amazon. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 2017 Dec;97(6):1886u201397.
- Hsu-Kim H, Jiang C, Ndu U. Nanoscale metal-organic matter interactions. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2017.
- Rivera N, Hsu-Kim H. Reactivity and bioavailability of mercury sorbed to or coprecipitated with iron sulfides. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2017.
- Jiang C, Castellon BT, Matson CW, Aiken GR, Hsu-Kim H. Relative Contributions of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Dissolved Copper to Cu Uptake Kinetics of Gulf Killifish (Fundulus grandis) Embryos. Environmental science & technology. 2017 Feb;51(3):1395u2013404.
- Hood MM, Taggart RK, Smith RC, Hsu-Kim H, Henke KR, Graham U, et al. Rare Earth Element Distribution in Fly Ash Derived from the Fire Clay Coal, Kentucky. Coal Combustion and Gasification Products. 2017;9(1):22u201333.
- Hower JC, Hood MM, Taggart RK, Hsu-Kim H. Chemistry and petrology of paired feed coal and combustion ash from anthracite-burning stoker boilers. Fuel. 2017 Jan 1;199:438u201346.
- Schwartz GE, Redfern LK, Ikuma K, Gunsch CK, Ruhl LS, Vengosh A, et al. Impacts of coal ash on methylmercury production and the methylating microbial community in anaerobic sediment slurries. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2016 Nov;18(11):1427u201339.
- Maurer LL, Yang X, Schindler AJ, Taggart RK, Jiang C, Hsu-Kim H, et al. Intracellular trafficking pathways in silver nanoparticle uptake and toxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nanotoxicology. 2016 Sep;10(7):831u20135.
- Johnson C, Ndu U, Hung E, Rivera N, Deshusses M, Hsu-Kim H. Effects of activated carbon amendments on the bioavailability and methylation of different forms of inorganic mercury. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2016.
- Matson CW, Bone AJ, Auffan M, Lindberg TT, Arnold MC, Hsu-Kim H, et al. Silver toxicity across salinity gradients: the role of dissolved silver chloride species (AgCl x ) in Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) and medaka (Oryzias latipes) early life-stage toxicity. Ecotoxicology (London, England). 2016 Aug;25(6):1105u201318.
- McEwen AR, Hsu-Kim H, Robins NA, Hagan NA, Halabi S, Barras O, et al. Residential metal contamination and potential health risks of exposure in adobe brick houses in Potosu00ed, Bolivia. The Science of the total environment. 2016 Aug;562:237u201346.
- Taggart RK, Hower JC, Dwyer GS, Hsu-Kim H. Trends in the Rare Earth Element Content of U.S.-Based Coal Combustion Fly Ashes. Environmental science & technology. 2016 Jun;50(11):5919u201326.
- Gai K, Hoelen TP, Hsu-Kim H, Lowry GV. Mobility of Four Common Mercury Species in Model and Natural Unsaturated Soils. Environmental science & technology. 2016 Apr;50(7):3342u201351.
- Schwartz GE, Rivera N, Lee SW, Harrington JM, Hower JC, Levine KE, et al. Leaching potential and redox transformations of arsenic and selenium in sediment microcosms with fly ash. Applied Geochemistry. 2016 Apr 1;67:177u201385.
- Hsu-Kim H, Pham A, Johnson C, Ndu U, Rivera N, Deshusses M. Nanoscale mercury sulfide-organic matter interactions: Practical applications for environmental risk assessment. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2016.
- Taggart R, Hsu-Kim H, Hower J, Dwyer G. Recovery of rare earth elements from coal fly ash: Identification of candidate feedstock materials. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2016.
- Rivera N, Johnson C, Ndu U, Hsu-Kim H. Sorption of mercury to aged iron sulfides and the implications for Hg bioavailability. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2016.
- Wyatt LH, Diringer SE, Rogers LA, Hsu-Kim H, Pan WK, Meyer JN. Antagonistic Growth Effects of Mercury and Selenium in Caenorhabditis elegans Are Chemical-Species-Dependent and Do Not Depend on Internal Hg/Se Ratios. Environmental science & technology. 2016 Mar;50(6):3256u201364.
- Di Giulio RT, Bernhardt ES, Vengosh A, Hsu-Kim H, Brandt JE. Legacy impacts of coal combusion residues in freshwater ecosystems in North Carolina. Water Resources Research Institute News of the University of North Carolina. 2016 Mar 1;(464).
- Lee S-W, Lowry GV, Hsu-Kim H. Biogeochemical transformations of mercury in solid waste landfills and pathways for release. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2016 Feb;18(2):176u201389.
- Wilcox J, Wang B, Rupp E, Taggart R, Hsu-Kim H, Oliveira MLS, et al. Observations and Assessment of Fly Ashes from High-Sulfur Bituminous Coals and Blends of High-Sulfur Bituminous and Subbituminous Coals: Environmental Processes Recorded at the Macro- and Nanometer Scale. Energy and Fuels. 2015 Nov 19;29(11):7168u201377.
- Pham AL-T, Johnson C, Manley D, Hsu-Kim H. Influence of Sulfide Nanoparticles on Dissolved Mercury and Zinc Quantification by Diffusive Gradient in Thin-Film Passive Samplers. Environmental science & technology. 2015 Nov;49(21):12897u2013903.
- Deonarine A, Hsu-Kim H, Zhang T, Cai Y, Richardson CJ. Legacy source of mercury in an urban stream-wetland ecosystem in central North Carolina, USA. Chemosphere. 2015 Nov;138:960u20135.
- Jiang C, Aiken GR, Hsu-Kim H. Effects of Natural Organic Matter Properties on the Dissolution Kinetics of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles. In: Environmental science & technology. 2015. p. 11476u201384.
- Kucharzyk KH, Deshusses MA, Porter KA, Hsu-Kim H. Relative contributions of mercury bioavailability and microbial growth rate on net methylmercury production by anaerobic mixed cultures. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2015 Sep;17(9):1568u201377.
- Lauer NE, Hower JC, Hsu-Kim H, Taggart RK, Vengosh A. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Coals and Coal Combustion Residuals in the United States. Environmental science & technology. 2015 Sep;49(18):11227u201333.
- Hsu-Kim H, Taggart R, Hower J, Dwyer G. Assessment of US-based coal fly ashes as an alternative resource for rare earth elements. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2015.
- Ticknor JL, Kucharzyk KH, Porter KA, Deshusses MA, Hsu-Kim H. Thiol-Based Selective Extraction Assay to Comparatively Assess Bioavailable Mercury in Sediments. Environmental engineering science. 2015 Jul;32(7):564u201373.
- Hagan N, Robins N, Hsu-Kim H, Halabi S, Espinoza Gonzales RD, Ecos E, et al. Mercury hair levels and factors that influence exposure for residents of Huancavelica, Peru. Environ Geochem Health. 2015 Jun;37(3):507u201314.
- Hagan N, Robins N, Gonzales RDE, Hsu-Kim H. Speciation and bioaccessibility of mercury in adobe bricks and dirt floors in Huancavelica, Peru. Environmental geochemistry and health. 2015 Apr;37(2):263u201372.
- Pham A, Manley D, Johnson C, Hsu-Kim H. Diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) passive samplers for monitoring metals in contaminated sediments: Contribution of metal sulfide nanoparticles. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2015.
- Diringer SE, Feingold BJ, Ortiz EJ, Gallis JA, Arau00fajo-Flores JM, Berky A, et al. River transport of mercury from artisanal and small-scale gold mining and risks for dietary mercury exposure in Madre de Dios, Peru. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2015 Feb;17(2):478u201387.
- Harkness JS, Ruhl LS, Millot R, Kloppman W, Hower JC, Hsu-Kim H, et al. Lithium Isotope Fingerprints in Coal and Coal Combustion Residuals from the United States. In: Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. Elsevier BV; 2015. p. 134u20137.
- Ruhl LS, Dwyer GS, Hsu-Kim H, Hower JC, Vengosh A. Boron and strontium isotopic characterization of coal combustion residuals: validation of new environmental tracers. Environmental science & technology. 2014 Dec;48(24):14790u20138.
- Jiang C, Hsu-Kim H. Direct in situ measurement of dissolved zinc in the presence of zinc oxide nanoparticles using anodic stripping voltammetry. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2014 Nov;16(11):2536u201344.
- Schwartz GE, Hsu-Kim H, Vengosh A. Trace element toxins in coal ash: New considerations for identifying environmental risks. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2014.
- Zhang T, Kucharzyk KH, Kim B, Deshusses MA, Hsu-Kim H. Net methylation of mercury in estuarine sediment microcosms amended with dissolved, nanoparticulate, and microparticulate mercuric sulfides. Environmental science & technology. 2014 Aug;48(16):9133u201341.
- Arnold MC, Lindberg TT, Liu YT, Porter KA, Hsu-Kim H, Hinton DE, et al. Bioaccumulation and speciation of selenium in fish and insects collected from a mountaintop removal coal mining-impacted stream in West Virginia. Ecotoxicology (London, England). 2014 Jul;23(5):929u201338.
- Pham ALT, Morris A, Zhang T, Ticknor J, Levard C, Hsu-Kim H. Precipitation of nanoscale mercuric sulfides in the presence of natural organic matter: Structural properties, aggregation, and biotransformation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2014 May 15;133:204u201315.
- Yang X, Jiang C, Hsu-Kim H, Badireddy AR, Dykstra M, Wiesner M, et al. Silver nanoparticle behavior, uptake, and toxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans: effects of natural organic matter. Environmental science & technology. 2014 Mar;48(6):3486u201395.
- Ticknor JL, Hsu-Kim H, Deshusses MA. A robust framework to predict mercury speciation in combustion flue gases. Journal of hazardous materials. 2014 Jan;264:380u20135.
- Liu Y-T, Chen T-Y, Mackebee WG, Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Hsu-Kim H. Selenium speciation in coal ash spilled at the Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston site. Environmental science & technology. 2013 Dec;47(24):14001u20139.
- Hsu-Kim H, Zhang T, Kucharzyk KH, Ticknor J, Pham ALT, Deshusses MA. Nanogeochemistry of a neurotoxin: Reactivity and microbial methylation potential of nanoscale mercury sulfides. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2013.
- Ruhl LS, Vengosh A, Dwyer GS, Hsu-Kim H, Schwartz GE. Impact of coal combustion residues on water quality. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2013.
- Hsu-Kim H, Kucharzyk KH, Zhang T, Deshusses MA. Mechanisms regulating mercury bioavailability for methylating microorganisms in the aquatic environment: a critical review. Environ Sci Technol. 2013 Mar 19;47(6):2441u201356.
- Deonarine A, Bartov G, Johnson TM, Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Hsu-Kim H. Environmental impacts of the Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston coal ash spill. 2. Effect of coal ash on methylmercury in historically contaminated river sediments. Environmental science & technology. 2013 Feb;47(4):2100u20138.
- Bartov G, Deonarine A, Johnson TM, Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Hsu-Kim H. Environmental impacts of the Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston coal ash spill. 1. Source apportionment using mercury stable isotopes. Environmental science & technology. 2013 Feb;47(4):2092u20139.
- Hagan N, Robins N, Hsu-Kim H, Halabi S, Espinoza Gonzales RD, Richter DD, et al. Residential mercury contamination in adobe brick homes in Huancavelica, Peru. PLoS One. 2013;8(9):e75179.
- Robins NA, Hagan N, Halabi S, Hsu-Kim H, Gonzales RDE, Morris M, et al. Estimations of historical atmospheric mercury concentrations from mercury refining and present-day soil concentrations of total mercury in Huancavelica, Peru. Sci Total Environ. 2012 Jun 1;426:146u201354.
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- Gondikas AP, Aggarwal A, Hsu-Kim H. Surface modification of metallic silver nanoparticles by low molecular weight thiols: Implications for solubility, aggregation, and bioavailability. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2012.
- Zhang T, Deshusses MA, Hsu-Kim H. Production of methylmercury by sulfate-reducing bacteria exposed to mercuric sulfide nanoparticles. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2012.
- Gondikas AP, Morris A, Reinsch BC, Marinakos SM, Lowry GV, Hsu Kim H. Cysteine-induced modifications of zero-valent silver nanomaterials: Implications for particle surface chemistry, aggregation, dissolution, and silver speciation. Environmental Science & Technology. 2012;46(13):7037u201345.
- Gondikas AP, Masion A, Auffan M, Lau BLT, Hsu Kim H. Early-stage precipitation kinetics of cysteine-capped zinc sulfide nanoclusters. Chemical Geology. 2012;329:10u20137.
- Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Dwyer G, Hsu Kim H, Schwartz G, Romanski A, et al. The impact of coal combustion residue effluent on water resources: a North Carolina example. Environmental Science & Technology. 2012;46(21):12226u201333.
- Zhang T, Kim B, Levard C, Reinsch BC, Lowry GV, Deshusses MA, et al. Methylation of mercury by bacteria exposed to dissolved, nanoparticulate, and microparticulate mercuric sulfides. Environmental Science & Technology. 2012;46(13):6950u20138.
- Aiken G, Hsu-Kim H, Ryan J, Alvarez P. Nanoscale metal-organic matter interactions. Environmental science & technology. 2011 Apr;45(8):3194u20135.
- Bryant LD, Hsu Kim H, Gantzer PA, Little JC. Solving the problem at the source: controlling Mn release at the sediment-water interface via hypolimnetic oxygenation. Water Research. 2011;45:6381u201392.
- Deonarine A, Lau BLT, Aiken GR, Ryan JN, Hsu Kim H. Effects of humic substances on precipitation and aggregation of zinc sulfide nanoparticles. Environmental Science & Technology. 2011;45(8):3217u201323.
- Hagan N, Robins N, Hsu-Kim H, Halabi S, Morris M, Woodall G, et al. Estimating historical atmospheric mercury concentrations from silver mining and their legacies in present-day surface soil in Potosu00ed, Bolivia. Atmospheric Environment. 2011 Jan 1;45(40):7619u201326.
- Aiken GR, Hsu Kim H, Ryan JN. Influence of dissolved organic matter on the environmental fate of metals, nanoparticles, and colloids. Environmental Science & Technology. 2011;45:3196u2013201.
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- Yang X, Gondikas A, Marinakos S, Auffan M, Liu J, Hsu-Kim H, et al. The mechanism of silver nanoparticle toxicity is dependent on dissolved silver and surface coating in Caenorhabditis elegans (Accepted). Environmental Science & Technology. 2011;
- Ruhl, L, Vengosh A, Dwyer, G S, Hsu-Kim, et al. The Environmental Impacts of the Coal Ash Spill in Kingston, Tennessee: An Eighteen-Month Survey. Environ Sci & Technol. 2010 Nov;44:9272u20138.
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- Hsu-Kim H, Gondikas A, Deonarine A, Masion A, Auffan M. Sorption of natural organic ligands to silver and zinc sulfide nanoparticles: Implications for aggregation and dissolution. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A422u2013A422.
- Zhang T, Hsu-Kim H. Photodegradation of methylmercury is enhanced by complexation with thiol-containing natural organics. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A1213u2013A1213.
- Deshusses MA, Zhang T, Hsu-Kim H. Microbial methylation of mercury sulfides: Comparison between dissolved Hg-sulfides, nanoparticulate and bulk scale HgS. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A227u2013A227.
- Gondikas A, Deonarine A, Hsu-Kim H, Aiken GR, Ryan JN, Masion A, et al. Growth and aggregation of ZnS nanoparticles during coprecipitation with aquatic humic substances. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A345u2013A345.
- Deonarine A, Hsu-Kim H, Ruhl L, Vengosh A. Riverine mercury contamination after the 2008 coal ash spill at the Kingston Fossil Plant, TN. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A223u2013A223.
- Gondikas AP, Jang EK, Hsu Kim H. Influence of amino acids cysteine and serine on aggregation kinetics of zinc and mercury sulfide colloids. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2010;347(2):167u201371.
- Zhang T, Hsu Kim H. Photolytic degradation of methylmercury enhanced by binding to natural organic ligands. Nature Geoscience. 2010;3(7):473u20136.
- Deonarine A, Hsu-Kim H. ENVR 66-Precipitation of mercuric sulfide nanoparticles in NOM-containing water: Implications for the natural environment. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2009 Aug 16;238.
- Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Dwyer GS, Hsu-Kim H, Deonarine A, Bergin M, et al. Survey of the potential environmental and health impacts in the immediate aftermath of the coal ash spill in Kingston, Tennessee. Environ Sci Technol. 2009 Aug 15;43(16):6326u201333.
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- Deonarine A, Hsu Kim H. Precipitation of mercuric sulfide nanoparticles in NOM-containing water: Implications for the natural environment. Environmental Science & Technology. 2009;43(7):2368u201373.
- Hsu-Kim H, Bryant L, Little JC. Monitoring Fe and Mn sediment flux in oxygenated reservoirs using voltammetric microelectrodes. American Water Works Association - AWWA Inorganic Contaminants Workshop 2008. 2008 Dec 1;657u201360.
- Weston V, Bonhivert A, Elia A, Hsu-Kim H, Ybarra G. Work in progress: A STEM educational outreach day for young Females. Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. 2008 Dec 1;
- Hsu-Kim H, Deonarine A, Lau B. Stabilization of nanoparticulate HgS and ZnS by thiols and humic substances during metal-sulfide precipitation. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2008. p. A396u2013A396.
- Hsu-Kim H, Polishchuk N, Bryant L, Little JC. ENVR 242-Soluble Fe and Mn flux at the sediment-water interface during hypolimnetic oxygenation of a stratified water supply reservoir. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2008.
- Hsu-Kim H, Lau B, Deonarine A. COLL 394-Stabilization of ZnS nanoparticles by thiol-containing natural organics: Implications for colloidal metal-sulfides in the aquatic environment. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2008.
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- Lau B, Hsu Kim H. Precipitation and growth of Zn-sulfide nanoparticles in the presence of thiol-containing natural organic ligands. Environmental Science & Technology. 2008;42(19):7236u201341.
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- Tsang JJ, Rozan TF, Hsu Kim H, Mullaugh KM, Luther GW. Pseudopolarographic determination of Cd2+ complexation in freshwater. Environmental Science & Technology. 2006;40:5388u201394.
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- [title field missing].
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