Hossein (Amir) Salahshoor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Themes
Computational Mechanics & Scientific Computing
Research Interests
Mechanics of biological and bio-inspired systems, brain mechanics, data-driven methods, advanced (meta)materials and (meta)structures, material design, and mathematics of materials and structures.
Professor (Amir)Hossein Salahshoor came to Duke from Caltech, where he conducted his postdoctoral studies. Prior to that, and pursuant to his undergraduate studies at the University of Tehran, he obtained his Ph.D in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Tech, along with an MS in Mathematics. His research interests broadly lie at the intersection of mechanics of materials and structures, computational and data science, biology, and applied mathematics, whereby focusing on developing data-driven and computational frameworks to predict, control, and engineer the behavior of complex material systems, he aims to address mechanistic challenges in sustainability and health.
- Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology, 2018
- Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Assistant Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Faculty Network Member of the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
Courses Taught
- ME 555: Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
- CEE 702: Graduate Colloquium
- CEE 690: Advanced Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE 623: Mechanics of Composite Materials
- CEE 520: Continuum Mechanics
- Naftchi-Ardebili K, Menz MD, Salahshoor H, Popelka GR, Baccus SA, Butts Pauly K. Focal Volume, Acoustic Radiation Force, and Strain in Two-Transducer Regimes. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control. 2024 Oct;71(10):1199u2013216.
- Salahshoor H, Ortiz M. Application of Data-Driven computing to patient-specific prediction of the viscoelastic response of human brain under transcranial ultrasound stimulation. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. 2024 Aug;23(4):1161u201377.
- Guo H, Salahshoor H, Wu D, Yoo S, Sato T, Tsao DY, et al. Effects of focused ultrasound in a u201ccleanu201d mouse model of ultrasonic neuromodulation. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 2023.
- Dutka P, Metskas LA, Hurt RC, Salahshoor H, Wang T-Y, Malounda D, et al. Structure of Anabaena flos-aquae gas vesicles revealed by cryo-ET. Structure (London, Englandu202f: 1993). 2023 May;31(5):518-528.e6.
- Dutka P, Ann Metskas L, Hurt RC, Salahshoor H, Wang T-Y, Malounda D, et al. Structure of Anabaena flos-aquae gas vesicles revealed by cryo-ET. Biophysical Journal. 2023 Feb;122(3):40a-40a.
- Salahshoor H, Ortiz M. Model-free Data-Driven viscoelasticity in the frequency domain. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2023 Jan 1;403.
- Salahshoor H, Yao Y, Dutka P, Nystru00f6m NN, Jin Z, Min E, et al. Geometric effects in gas vesicle buckling under ultrasound. Biophysical journal. 2022 Nov;121(21):4221u20138.
- Salahshoor H, Ortiz M. Application of Data-Driven computing to patient-specific simulation of brain neuromodulation. bioRxiv. 2022.
- Salahshoor H, Guo H, Shapiro MG, Ortiz M. Mechanics of ultrasonic neuromodulation in a mouse subject. Extreme Mechanics Letters. 2022 Jan 1;50.
- Salahshoor H, Yao Y, Dutka P, Nystru00f6m N, Jin Z, Min E, et al. Geometric effects in gas vesicle buckling under ultrasound. bioRxiv. 2022.
- Salahshoor H, Shapiro MG, Ortiz M. Transcranial focused ultrasound generates skull-conducted shear waves: Computational model and implications for neuromodulation. Applied physics letters. 2020 Jul;117(3):033702.
- Salahshoor H, Pal RK, Rimoli JJ. Material symmetry phase transitions in three-dimensional tensegrity metamaterials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2018 Oct 1;119:382u201399.
- Salahshoor H, de la Llave R. A Numerical Investigation of the Pinning Phenomenon in Quasi-Periodic Frenkel Kontrova Model Under an External Force. Journal of Statistical Physics. 2018 Oct 1;173(2):398u2013410.
- Salahshoor H, Pal RK, Rimoli JJ. Non-Schmid effects and finite wavelength instabilities in single crystal metals. Extreme Mechanics Letters. 2018 Apr 1;20:9u201313.
- Salahshoor H, Rahbar N. Computational Nanomechanics of Hydrogels. In: Gels Handbook: Fundamentals, Properties, Applications (In 3 Volumes). 2016. p. 45u201365.
- Salahshoor H, Tootkaboni M, Rahbar N. Nanoscale Structure and Mechanical Properties of Cross-Linked Hydrogels. Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics. 2015 Jun 1;5(2).
- Salahshoor H, Rahbar N. Multi-scale mechanical and transport properties of a hydrogel. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 2014 Sep;37:299u2013306.
- Ganesan Y, Salahshoor H, Peng C, Khabashesku V, Zhang J, Cate A, et al. Fracture toughness of the sidewall fluorinated carbon nanotube-epoxy interface. Journal of Applied Physics. 2014 Jun 14;115(22).
- Salahshoor H, Rahbar N. Nano-scale fracture toughness and behavior of graphene/epoxy interface. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012 Jul 15;112(2).
In The News
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