aerial view of Duke Forest and Durham skyline


Duke CEE's research efforts focus on complex earth, water and built systems. With collaborators around the globe, we apply engineering methods to find solutions to significant challenges—with the goal of a healthier, safer and more sustainable world.

Duke CEE Research Areas

Dolbow lab research image

Computational Mechanics & Scientific Computing

Developing precise algorithms to study and solve complex problems governed by the laws of mechanics.

CEINT mesocosm facility

Environmental Health Engineering

Studying connections between human health and ecosystem health, to understand risks and to build resilience in both.

red sandstone in Antelope Canyon

Geomechanics & Geophysics for Energy and the Environment

Exploring issues in underground engineering, resource use and environmental hazards.

NASA satellite view of clouds over North America

Hydrology & Fluid Dynamics

Focused on critical problems in water resources.

silver balls balancing

Risk & Resilient Systems

Seeking new and better ways to estimate and quantify the dynamics and uncertainty in engineered and natural systems

Duke CEE Research Facts

  • #19 faculty scholarly productivity—civil engineering, U.S.
  • #20 faculty scholarly productivity—environmental engineering, U.S.
  • $12 million in new research awards, fiscal 2024
  • 62% of Duke engineering undergraduates engage in hands-on research with faculty

Sources: Duke University, Academic Analytics, v.2021

Major Centers & Initiatives

Duke CEE faculty lead or participate in these Duke-based, externally funded research centers:

  • Center for Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Infectious Disease (WaSH-AID)
  • PreMiEr logo
  • Duke Superfund Research Center