Duke environmental engineering faculty in the Hydrology and Fluid Dynamics research group pursue some of the most pressing open problems in environmental fluid dynamics, hydrology and water resources. We take a multidisciplinary and multifaceted approach to these complex problems, ranging from advanced theoretical computational analyses to unique laboratory and local and global field experiments.
Research Areas
- Hydrometeorology: Rainfall dynamics, land-atmosphere interaction, remote sensing
- Eco-hydrology: Impact of hydroclimatic variability on ecosystems and feedbacks on the hydrologic cycle and local climate
- Contaminant transport hydrology: Surface-subsurface interactions
- Water cycle dynamics and human health, and stochastic hydrology
- Related Study Opportunities
PhD and Master of Science (MS) in Environmental Engineering
- Both offer a study track in Hydrology and Fluid Dynamics
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Engineering and Public Policy
- Environmental Process Engineering
- Ecohydrology and Environmental Fluid Dynamics
Undergraduate Research