Duke career event

Internships & Career Planning

Build Relationships with Faculty

Congratulations on deciding to pursue an internship. There's no better time to try on different career options than now!

As part of presenting yourself to a possible employer, you will need recommendations from faculty members at Duke. Take the opportunity while you're here at Duke to foster relationships with faculty members.

Due to the smaller sizes of Duke CEE courses, many of these relationships will happen naturally. However, do try to capitalize on this opportunity as much as possible. The results can be invaluable.

Investigate internship Opportunities

Internships are powerful opportunities for students. They allow students to gain experience and perspective on how the real world works. This insight makes students more competitive during job interviews.

Make Contact

Kirsten Shaw

Corporate and Industry Relations
Pratt School of Engineering

Consider FUrther OPportunities

Professional Societies

Active engagement in local chapters of professional organizations such as the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) indicate to potential employers a dedication to your major, a desire to enhance your expertise, and an interest in developing professional relationships. Besides, they're fun! 

Fundamentals Exam (FE)

The Fundamentals Exam (FE) (formerly known as the EIT) is the first step toward earning licensure as a Professional Engineer (PE).  Although the FE is not required for graduation you are highly encouraged to take it regardless of your intended career path because intentions change and the exam is more onerous to prepare for the greater the time separation between taking the exam and graduation. Plan on taking this exam in either October or April of your senior year.

The FE exam is the same for all states and is valid in all states. The PE exam, however, is state-specific and generally cannot be taken until 48 months of practical experience under the direct supervision of a PE has been accumulated.

Application for the exam within North Carolina: Follow the link under "Student Application" for Application for Certification as an Engineer-Intern. 

Note that important items are required as part of the application, including a fee and faculty/engineer references. Plan accordingly when preparing your application—do not wait until the last minute.

When the Exam Should be Taken

The exam is offered only twice a year, October and April, and cannot be taken any earlier than senior year.

The October exam generally has an August 1 application deadline and is given at NC State University in Raleigh. The April exam has an application deadline within Duke in late January and is given at Duke.

There is a review session offered at Duke in the Spring that meets once a week in the evenings for eight (8) weeks. Topics covered are general information and strength of materials, fluid mechanics, materials science, electricity, chemistry, thermodynamics, dynamics, and engineering economics. These review sessions at Duke are only offered in the Spring.

Advantages to taking the exam in April:

  • Exam is given at Duke, therefore minimal traveling on the day of the exam
  • Review session offered in the Spring in advance of the April exam date
  • You have six more months of coursework related to the exam under your belt

Some students find that the timing of the April exam adds to an already busy time and, for this reason, October may be preferred.